My new cue posted a couple days ago in other forum. Played with it last night, but the weight and the cue tip are not right for me. Selling for (Cheapest) US$280- Cue only. No Mini Butt. No Aircost yet.
57", 17.7oz, 17.5" balance, 29mm butt, and 9.8mm Omin Tan Layered Tip.
7 beautiful arrows shaft, with rare 'Blank Belly' collectible value.
Stiff shaft with minimal spring, tournament Grade. Very solid hit and feel.
No Badge. Customed by my own cuemaker. One man from Start to Finish.
Red Curly Maple + Ebony + Macassar Ebony, in 13-splice Special Version. This is a real thing cue. Won't regret to own. This one is of equal quality, if not better, than my usual UT's.
Send interest for shipping cost to your address at :
Price changed. Makers want to show off their skills and kicked back some discount to me. Price for this Cue is now US$250. Mini Butt US$30. Buy Both US$270
Aircost subjected to your address. Brand New, played a couple of full frames. Great Shaft. Let me know your address for aircost at :
My 'C' round badge is coming in within a week time, so I will have this cue badged with it before delivery. First Cue with this new Thai Brand. Tks.
57", 17.7oz, 17.5" balance, 29mm butt, and 9.8mm Omin Tan Layered Tip.
7 beautiful arrows shaft, with rare 'Blank Belly' collectible value.
Stiff shaft with minimal spring, tournament Grade. Very solid hit and feel.
No Badge. Customed by my own cuemaker. One man from Start to Finish.
Red Curly Maple + Ebony + Macassar Ebony, in 13-splice Special Version. This is a real thing cue. Won't regret to own. This one is of equal quality, if not better, than my usual UT's.
Send interest for shipping cost to your address at :

Price changed. Makers want to show off their skills and kicked back some discount to me. Price for this Cue is now US$250. Mini Butt US$30. Buy Both US$270

My 'C' round badge is coming in within a week time, so I will have this cue badged with it before delivery. First Cue with this new Thai Brand. Tks.
