Robin Cook snooker cue
Robin Cook snooker cue. Cue is one year old. 58 inch length cue split at 16 inches. Ebony butt with 4 olive wood splices & red veneer. Weight is 19-19.5 ounces balanced at 17.5 inches. Ferrule is 9.7 mm fitted with flush fitting elk master tip. Ash shaft with an nice bit of whip in it for good cue ball action. Included with cue are an ebony mini butt & aluminium & plastic telescopic extension. I can include an solid 3/4 cue case (black) if buyer needs case. I will post pictures as soon as can figure out how to upload them. (Technologically challenged rookie.) I will update postage costs within 24 hrs or given the value and fragility of item buyer can choose to collect in person. I will consider any reasonable offer between 350 - 400.
List Date: 6/23/2014
For more info, click here to view the original listing: Robin Cook snooker cue


Robin Cook snooker cue. Cue is one year old. 58 inch length cue split at 16 inches. Ebony butt with 4 olive wood splices & red veneer. Weight is 19-19.5 ounces balanced at 17.5 inches. Ferrule is 9.7 mm fitted with flush fitting elk master tip. Ash shaft with an nice bit of whip in it for good cue ball action. Included with cue are an ebony mini butt & aluminium & plastic telescopic extension. I can include an solid 3/4 cue case (black) if buyer needs case. I will post pictures as soon as can figure out how to upload them. (Technologically challenged rookie.) I will update postage costs within 24 hrs or given the value and fragility of item buyer can choose to collect in person. I will consider any reasonable offer between 350 - 400.
List Date: 6/23/2014
For more info, click here to view the original listing: Robin Cook snooker cue

