Contact Lenses are always the better choice.
Contact Lenses by their very nature sit in contact with the cornea, so follow the line of sight at all times. Since there is no gap between the lens and the eye, there is no image size alteration. Therefore they are the most natural way of correcting your vision for snooker.
For those who are not suitable for contact lens wear, snooker glasses are the only alternative (if you dont want to consider eye surgery). If you wear glasses full time, it is quite a natural transistion into snooker glasses, however if you are wearing glasses for the first time, there are some disadvantages.
When a spectacle lens is placed in front of the eye, the air gap creates image magnification if you are long sighted, and image minification if you are short sighted. This effects everything about your game if you are not used to wearing glasses full time.
If you are long sighted the image you are perceiving is larger than normal, it makes the balls appear closer, and the opposite for when you are short sighted.
There are also other effects caused by the size of the lens necessary in order to keep the rims out of you line of vision when cueing, the higher the prescription you have, the more these extra distortions and issue come in to play.
This all said, it is possible to get used to these effects and it is certainly better to get used to these effects than put up with vision that just isn't clear! Just be aware that it can take 3 months to get used to depending upon how much you play!
Contact Lenses by their very nature sit in contact with the cornea, so follow the line of sight at all times. Since there is no gap between the lens and the eye, there is no image size alteration. Therefore they are the most natural way of correcting your vision for snooker.
For those who are not suitable for contact lens wear, snooker glasses are the only alternative (if you dont want to consider eye surgery). If you wear glasses full time, it is quite a natural transistion into snooker glasses, however if you are wearing glasses for the first time, there are some disadvantages.
When a spectacle lens is placed in front of the eye, the air gap creates image magnification if you are long sighted, and image minification if you are short sighted. This effects everything about your game if you are not used to wearing glasses full time.
If you are long sighted the image you are perceiving is larger than normal, it makes the balls appear closer, and the opposite for when you are short sighted.
There are also other effects caused by the size of the lens necessary in order to keep the rims out of you line of vision when cueing, the higher the prescription you have, the more these extra distortions and issue come in to play.
This all said, it is possible to get used to these effects and it is certainly better to get used to these effects than put up with vision that just isn't clear! Just be aware that it can take 3 months to get used to depending upon how much you play!