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Mastercue Or Craftsman?

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  • Mastercue Or Craftsman?

    I have read alot of the pages on the forum and have read about all the cue makers but i dont have that much money to get one made by them, as my budget is around £200. i want a cue and a case maybe telescopic extentsion to. my question is thought who makes better cues, mastercue or craftsman, or can anyone else reccomend any other good cue makers?

    thank you.

  • #2
    i was ment to say mastercraft not mastercue but i am looking at both.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by chrissuth View Post
      I have read alot of the pages on the forum and have read about all the cue makers but i dont have that much money to get one made by them, as my budget is around £200. i want a cue and a case maybe telescopic extentsion to. my question is thought who makes better cues, mastercue or craftsman, or can anyone else reccomend any other good cue makers?

      thank you.
      firstly, can I just check you mean mastercue? if I understand correctly, there are actually 3 completely different suppliers with confusingly similar names ... Mastercraft is a UK cue maker, Master is a Thai cue maker, Mastercue is a UK retailer selling BCE cues on their website ...

      [edit] wrote the above before I saw your post above! [/edit]

      for that budget, I'd look at UK makers Welsh Pool Trading, Craftsman or Mastercraft ... or Thai cues Master or O'min ...

      or for slightly over budget, a Mike Wooldridge Shark series ...

      or PM ADR147 on this forum and he'll no doubt have some excellent suggestions ...


      • #4
        thanks for the reply DandyA.
        i did mean mastercraft and not mastercue, i have been searching for ages and got them mixed up. i will have a look at Mike Wooldrige range. and also will pm ADR147


        • #5
          Originally Posted by DandyA View Post
          fMastercue is a UK retailer selling BCE cues on their website ...
          i thought mastercue were thai cue makers...


          • #6
            I thought thats to Jonny. but i dont know that much really.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Jonny View Post
              i thought mastercue were thai cue makers...
              Master are definitely a well respected brand of Thai cue maker ... the other Thai cuemakers also both respected I think are O'min and Unique ... as I understand it, Thai cues are good, Chinese cues are not very well rated ...

              However, a Master cue is different from a Mastercue cue ... a Master cue is from one of the very best Thai cue makers ... a Mastercue cue is from the UK retailer who seem on their website to sell BCE cues (presumably Chinese) ...

              Confusing isn't it? And I'm no expert so I may well be corrected by more erudite members of this forum ...

              Might be easier just to go for a Mike Wooldridge Shark cue ... he's one of the very very best cuemakers in the World and he offers his Shark series for (last time I checked) a mere £170 ... if you're happy with an aluminium case and extension, maybe £230 ish ...

              The reason he can offer his Shark series so cheaply is because it's "butterfly spliced" which is a machine splicing method but produces two hand-made looking splices ... imho, they look wicked and, more importantly, Mike on his website guarantees he chooses the same finest timber and pays the same attention to detail as he does with his £500 cues ...

              Probably a slight exaggeration but nevertheless, I think you can rest assured you are getting a very fine cue for an amzing price ...


              • #8
                just on this subject of confusion, I very much doubt Master, Mastercraft and Mastercue named their companies to deliberately mislead ... it's just that it is confusing ...

       and however ... the first one, Parris is the website of John Parris, cue maker to the stars - loved by some and hated by others but well respected by all ... the second is simply hoping people can't misspell correctly so visit the wrong website!

