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Tip Size

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  • Tip Size

    Hi Everybody.

    I currently have a 10mm tip and I quite like it. I think it is 10mm if my measuring is correct! What is the best way to measure tip size?

    But I was wondering, when I get my new cue, should I get a smaller (9.5mm) tip?

    And also, what tip make do you recommend? I will either get a MW Supertip or a Pro Granite Tip?

    Name: Benjamin Hegan Age:15

    Best Matchplay Break : 55.

    Best Practice break (line up) : 91.

  • #2
    Best way to measure is with a set of calipers.

    If you currently use a 10mm tip and you like it i'd stick with that.

    Maybe you could try a club cue or somebody elses cue with a 9.5mm tip on to see if you prefer it.

    As for which tips best, it's all personal choice, Mike Wooldridge supertips are great, as are the Pro Granite ones.

    The only way to decide which you prefer is to try them both.


    • #3
      There are many Cue tip threads before.. use the search button to get them.
      Maybe you will find something helpful there..
      Tip size is just the matter of personal peferences..
      To know which tip is better you can look out those threads and even try out some yourself ..


      • #4
        Pro Granite Tips

        Tip size is as everyone said a personell choice I myself have a 9mm and have always played with 9mm. Yesterday I put on a Pro Granite Tip and thought they were awsome great cue ball control and the reaction on the cue ball was awsome screwing back 8ft or more which believe me is good for me. I played 15 frames last night with the new tip and even though I had no big breaks i had 50-48-48-41-40-39-38-35-33-33-30.



        • #5
          Originally Posted by Mark Selby Fan View Post
          Hi Everybody.

          I currently have a 10mm tip and I quite like it. I think it is 10mm if my measuring is correct! What is the best way to measure tip size?

          But I was wondering, when I get my new cue, should I get a smaller (9.5mm) tip?

          And also, what tip make do you recommend? I will either get a MW Supertip or a Pro Granite Tip?

          If your happy with a 10mm stick with it , as the tip gets smaller in size the more accurate you have to be , as unintensional side to the cueball can be applied, i myself played with a 9mm for a long time then recently starting using a 10mm, i have to be honest and say scince i changed i have seen my game improve. As to say which tip is best its all about personal choice along with your style of play. good luck
          I can see the table, but lost my ....ive lost my balls


          • #6
            Originally Posted by heera2009 View Post
            the tip gets smaller in size the more accurate you have to be , as unintensional side to the cueball can be applied, i myself played with a 9mm for a long time then recently starting using a 10mm, i have to be honest and say scince i changed i have seen my game improve.
            I am thinking of changing from 9mm to 9.5mm, maybe slightly bigger.
            I am so inconsistent its unbelievable, and i think a larger tip will help my game
            Highest Match Break - 77
            Highest Practice Break - 101, 106, 111
            Highest Breaks of 2010 - 76-65-62-61-60-60-59-57


            • #7
              Originally Posted by whufcarl View Post
              I am thinking of changing from 9mm to 9.5mm, maybe slightly bigger.
              I am so inconsistent its unbelievable, and i think a larger tip will help my game
              what size is the ferrel on yur cue? if its a 9mm , you can stick on a 9.5mm , and let it overhang , like a mushroom shape.
              I can see the table, but lost my ....ive lost my balls


              • #8
                i have tried that, but the extra overhang is a real offput. Plus the taper is very slim so id still be cueing the same way i guess.
                I have a spare cue that is a dif spec, gonna see how i get on with it before i finalise the spec on any new cue
                Highest Match Break - 77
                Highest Practice Break - 101, 106, 111
                Highest Breaks of 2010 - 76-65-62-61-60-60-59-57


                • #9
                  if your happy with a 10mm stick to it but deffo try a 9.5mm before commiting to it, having said that i changed from a 10mm to a 9.5mm
                  as for tips well its all down to personal choice i've always used elks but have moved onto the talisman tips. now i think these tips are great and have helped my game, however there are player out there that cannot stand them for various different reasons cost being one, they are abit expensive but do last longer than most tips. try them you may like this tip


                  • #10
                    I used to use Elks, and always thought i just had to put up with the inconsistency so just kept changing them.
                    Now i have switched to MW supertip and find it is much better, and not overly expensive.
                    I have a talisman on my spare cue, and i find i can not get on with the feel of it, altho it is excellent for little stun shots, the soft delicate ones i just dont think its right for me.
                    Ordered some Pro Granites from ADR so will give them a go when i need to change a tip, see how i get on
                    Highest Match Break - 77
                    Highest Practice Break - 101, 106, 111
                    Highest Breaks of 2010 - 76-65-62-61-60-60-59-57

