Hiya folks!
Although i've scanned these forums every now and then in the past, i'm finally making a first post
As the title suggests i'm looking at getting a new snooker cue. I've been using a Riley that's lasted me for 8 years, but stupidly left it in the car a few too may times during this Summer and it's got a terrible warp to it. I'm thinking it's about time I invested in a decent cue that'll hopefully last just as long, if not longer (ie. by avoiding leaving it in the car in hot weather).
I'm a frequent player of both snooker and 8-ball pool here in the UK, and as much as i would like to justify spending several hundred on a new cue, I just can't at this present moment in time
I'm aiming for the £150 mark, but willing to go a little bit nearer £200 if it's a worthy option.
I've been looking through the forum a fair deal and from what I've taken away, i'm now stuck between a Green Baize C2 @ £185 (Green Baize) or one of the Mastercraft options on Maximum Break, especially so because of Black Prince and Retribution shown for good prices and both with cases - £147 & £154 respectively. (Maximumbreak Sale).
I'm not in a huge rush for one, but would prefer to have one in the next two months really.
My current cue is a 17.5oz, with 9mm tip, 57" 2-piece cue. I'm pretty much after similar specs again, except i'm more keen on a 3/4 jointed cue this time around and wouldn't want to go below a 9mm tip option, so may have to go for 9.5mm tip if I'm after it quickly from somewhere like GBL i'd guess. I'd also go for a cue with just a single splice/wedge given the choice too.
That's about it I think... I would be very appreciative if I could get any of your thoughts or suggestions, whether it be relating to other makes of cue, opinions on either cue-maker I've mentioned, or absolutely anything else as well.
Thanks a bunch for your time!
Although i've scanned these forums every now and then in the past, i'm finally making a first post

As the title suggests i'm looking at getting a new snooker cue. I've been using a Riley that's lasted me for 8 years, but stupidly left it in the car a few too may times during this Summer and it's got a terrible warp to it. I'm thinking it's about time I invested in a decent cue that'll hopefully last just as long, if not longer (ie. by avoiding leaving it in the car in hot weather).
I'm a frequent player of both snooker and 8-ball pool here in the UK, and as much as i would like to justify spending several hundred on a new cue, I just can't at this present moment in time

I've been looking through the forum a fair deal and from what I've taken away, i'm now stuck between a Green Baize C2 @ £185 (Green Baize) or one of the Mastercraft options on Maximum Break, especially so because of Black Prince and Retribution shown for good prices and both with cases - £147 & £154 respectively. (Maximumbreak Sale).
I'm not in a huge rush for one, but would prefer to have one in the next two months really.
My current cue is a 17.5oz, with 9mm tip, 57" 2-piece cue. I'm pretty much after similar specs again, except i'm more keen on a 3/4 jointed cue this time around and wouldn't want to go below a 9mm tip option, so may have to go for 9.5mm tip if I'm after it quickly from somewhere like GBL i'd guess. I'd also go for a cue with just a single splice/wedge given the choice too.
That's about it I think... I would be very appreciative if I could get any of your thoughts or suggestions, whether it be relating to other makes of cue, opinions on either cue-maker I've mentioned, or absolutely anything else as well.
Thanks a bunch for your time!
