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Flat on the cue, Just for show or funtional

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  • Flat on the cue, Just for show or funtional

    My game is going through big changes at the moment and one of these changes is my grip. I started to hold the cue so that the flat of the butt is facing up and when going down on the shot I have the flat touching the plam of my hand. This is much like what ronnie says what to do in his utube coaching tips. The problem I have is that when I do this the arrows are slightly to the right of centre and as I use these for aiming this is off putting.
    That is one point the other is that once you put your hand further up the butt you lose the flat as a reference point and the cue feels completely different. I also feel that when holding the cue like this not having a flat on the cue restricts the follow through.
    what I would like to do is move the flat so that when holding the cue in this way the arrows are straight. I also want and this is where some members might take issue with and that is I want to make the flat on the cue extend all the way from the butt to where I hold the cue when playing cushion shots.
    Of course because the flat will be so long It would very shallow to avoid loosing half the butt.
    I'd like feed back please and do any other members use the flat on the butt in this way, and can any one see any down sides to a cue designed like this.
    Last edited by cazmac1; 26 October 2010, 09:41 AM.

  • #2
    I don't use the arrows on the shaft to aim, I aim standing behind the shot and then hold the cue up in front of me, on the line of aim, as I get down on the shot. Have you tried something like this? I tested it/myself by getting down on a shot, then closing my eyes and potting blind - preventing any aiming being done while down on the shot. On the pool table here at work I was surprised to make 5 long pots in a row without missing.

    But, that's not what you're asking..

    I hold my cue with about 1-2 inches out the back of my hand, and I always have the flat up, into the palm of my hand. I too like the feeling/feedback of it hitting my palm when I follow through completely. And, it does feel different when I choke up on the cue when playing off the cushion... but do you really think it restricts follow through? Can you get your hand into your chest on all shots? and does it only slow down, once it hits the chest - not before/during contact. I think in my case I get my hand into the chest even on cushion shots, and I think I accelerate right up until this point.. but I can't be 100% sure.

    Trying to imagine a cue with a longer flat area.. it would need a flatter angle on the cut out, otherwise the it would cut more than half way thru the cue.. you'd never get a joint in the end of the cue - but maybe that's not a problem, if you use a telescopic or something.
    "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
    - Linus Pauling


    • #3
      I did say that the flat would have to very shallow as no one can play with half a cue. John parris has a flat of around two inchs and I played with cues that have a flat of around 4inchs, so there is some variation out there even now.
      Also if you look at the flat it has a very sharp fall away. It it is quite possible to keep that much angle without taking loads of the cue.
      Here is an old cue that I been experimenting on
      Last edited by cazmac1; 26 October 2010, 12:05 PM.


      • #4
        Sorry, I missed the bit where you mentioned the flat would be shallow.

        How does that cue feel? How long is the flat? Does the flat reach as far up as your hand when you're playing the shortest bridge shot possible? i.e. when the cue is tight to the cushion and you're playing directly across the table, 90 degrees from the cushion.
        "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
        - Linus Pauling


        • #5
          The cue is 55.5 inch long and the flat extends up the shaft 8.5 inchs.
          With the size of an average mans hand been 4 inchs this means that the front of your hand will be at around 12.5 inchs more than enough to play cushion shots shots.
          To answer your other questions, yes it plays ok and feels very comfortable.
          I dont see why it cant be longer a the cue maker just has to alter the angle


          • #6
            I dont think most players would mind to have the flat where it is now, but if for some reason you can feel the flat and the lack thereof and feel that it is a big deal may be you can try to use a cue with a round butt?


            • #7
              Originally Posted by cazmac1 View Post
              My game is going through big changes at the moment and one of these changes is my grip. I started to hold the cue so that the flat of the butt is facing up and when going down on the shot I have the flat touching the plam of my hand. This is much like what ronnie says what to do in his utube coaching tips. The problem I have is that when I do this the arrows are slightly to the right of centre and as I use these for aiming this is off putting.
              That is one point the other is that once you put your hand further up the butt you lose the flat as a reference point and the cue feels completely different. I also feel that when holding the cue like this not having a flat on the cue restricts the follow through.
              what I would like to do is move the flat so that when holding the cue in this way the arrows are straight. I also want and this is where some members might take issue with and that is I want to make the flat on the cue extend all the way from the butt to where I hold the cue when playing cushion shots.
              Of course because the flat will be so long It would very shallow to avoid loosing half the butt.
              I'd like feed back please and do any other members use the flat on the butt in this way, and can any one see any down sides to a cue designed like this.
              Hi Peter , is the flat that important to how you play ? do you actually need the flat .
              What you describe above is exactly what happened to me . Did my nut in . So , as you know i had the butt made round . Just can't play with a flat on my cue again . Always trying to re position my hand and would miss more than usual .
              Try my cue out if you want . See how it feels with the round butt .
              Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


              • #8
                Hi neil and poolqjunkie, I didn't really think about getting rid of the flat, I suppose thinking about it now it makes more sense than extending the flat.
                At least it would be easyer to change the cue back to having a flat. The only problem is it would mean spining the cue in order to line up the arrows. Neil If you want to meet this weekend thats fine by me. If you and your friend would like to come down to the club let know what day/time you like to come down and I'll arrange a match. Mybe I could try your cue out than thanks.


                • #9
                  totally off some ways

                  ....but a function of the flat of the butt none the less!! lol!

                  Not sure if there is any truth in this, but I was once told that in the old days of snooker, when balls weren't balls and before cue rests were invented, that the flat of the butt was used for long shots. The cue ball would be stuck with the butt end of the cue whilst the player held the tip end in hand and the flat on the butt would rest on the table and stabalise the the cue on the table whilst performing such a shoot.

                  Anyone know if there is any truth in this? I have asked a few people if they knew what the flat on the butt wass for and if they didn't know I would tell them the above twaddle.....should I stop!? Wouldn't want to tell porkies! hahahahaha.



                  • #10
                    There is some truth to what your saying but this does not mean it's use can not be changed as ronnie clearly uses it for his cuing. Not My word his, search youtube and LOL as mush as you want. I'm sure your under standing of the game far outways that of a WC


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by cazmac1 View Post
                      Hi neil and poolqjunkie, I didn't really think about getting rid of the flat, I suppose thinking about it now it makes more sense than extending the flat.
                      At least it would be easyer to change the cue back to having a flat. The only problem is it would mean spining the cue in order to line up the arrows. Neil If you want to meet this weekend thats fine by me. If you and your friend would like to come down to the club let know what day/time you like to come down and I'll arrange a match. Mybe I could try your cue out than thanks.
                      I'm going to struggle this weekend mate . Sorry .
                      Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by neil taperell View Post
                        I'm going to struggle this weekend mate . Sorry .
                        No worrys just lets us know when you can make it. PM me when you know.

