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Mastercraft issue

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  • Mastercraft issue

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this forum. I started playing snooker a few months ago and it's really a fun game. Because I live in germany I'm looking for my first own cue (our clubcues here a just crappy....). So I decided to go custom with Mastercraft. I've emailed Dave and he made me a great offer I wanted to order on june 8th. And since then I've never heard from Dave again.......

    Does anybody know what's up there at mastercraft? Or is it just normal and I'm impatient?

    Who else would you recommend to get a custom cue from (especially in a price range 150 - 200) ?

  • #2
    I would order your cue through ADR, he's a trusted forum member. I'm sure he will look after you.


    • #3
      try Unclevit here on this forum> I bet he delivers a better cue at that price
      A second hand cue from one of the members here is not a bad bet.


      • #4
        I believe that during June, Dave etc. where on holiday and also some IT issues that explained why my emails at the time where not responded to as quickly as they were before.
        Send them another email or call them on 01952 770800, I am sure (hope) your order is ok and on schedule.
        A friend of mine got a cue from them a few months ago and it is very nice indeed.
        Best of luck.
        Up the TSF! :snooker:


        • #5
          Thank's for your advice. I think I will have to wait till the end of the week, maybe Dave will respond until then. A second hand cue is not what I'm looking, same with standard cues, because I will need at last a 58.5" length.
          I will give Unclevit a try when I'm able to pm (8 posts left I think)


          • #6
            Originally Posted by PJLuckyStrike View Post
            Thank's for your advice. I think I will have to wait till the end of the week, maybe Dave will respond until then. A second hand cue is not what I'm looking, same with standard cues, because I will need at last a 58.5" length.
            I will give Unclevit a try when I'm able to pm (8 posts left I think)
            Some time ago I got a quote from Unclevit, and I will say the service and conversation was very good. I did not order the cue in the end as a cue came up on TSF which I just "had" to have and the wife was out for the day
            So you must be very tall to need a 58.5" cue
            What else are you looking for? Tip size, shaft wood, butt wood, splices/veneers, etc.
            Up the TSF! :snooker:


            • #7
              Well, I'm not that tall. Something about 1,80m , but I don't like short cues. Maybe my arms are a bit unproportional :-) The cues where I'm playing are all about 57" and that's to short for me. I even tried to measure my length with a yard stick at home and I think 58.5" - 59" will do it for me. Tip size should be 9.5mm, 19oz. heavy, ash shaft, ebony butt, butt diameter 29.5mm, 4 Kingwood splices with a ebony face splice and white/black/white veneers. Tried it with the parris cue builder and I think it will look very nice ( I like light Kingwood with a dark grain)


              • #8
                I would be able to say that for 200 pounds unclevit should be able to build you a cue and deliver all inclusive but best to verify with him. His C brand cues look very good. Some excellent shafts on those cues

                i am gonna have to order one later in the year myself.


                • #9
                  This price indeed sounds very interesting! Anybody else have an unclevit cue? Would be interested in quality, feeling, etc.


                  • #10
                    i have a pyragon mastercue with mini butt and long extension and case for sale got it all for £380 will sell for £280 only 2 month old if interested and would like pic send me your email address to and i will send you some photos.


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by PJLuckyStrike View Post
                      This price indeed sounds very interesting! Anybody else have an unclevit cue? Would be interested in quality, feeling, etc.
                      I have a "C Brand" on order from Unclevit. Should have it in few weeks. There's a recent post from Forum member GID which shows a picture of his Unclevit cue. Very nice. Forum member GEM also posts a picture of the "C Brand" cue he bought for his Dad. I had a try of this one and thought it was really good. Top quality.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for your information. I'll take a look on it, but I just got an email from Dave. He seems to be very busy at the moment but he's now going to build my cue! Now I will have to learn to be patient and just wait for it..... :-)


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by PJLuckyStrike View Post
                          Hi everyone,
                          I'm new to this forum. I started playing snooker a few months ago and it's really a fun game. Because I live in germany I'm looking for my first own cue (our clubcues here a just crappy....). So I decided to go custom with Mastercraft. I've emailed Dave and he made me a great offer I wanted to order on june 8th. And since then I've never heard from Dave again.......
                          Does anybody know what's up there at mastercraft? Or is it just normal and I'm impatient?
                          Who else would you recommend to get a custom cue from (especially in a price range 150 - 200) ?
                          That's really disappointing that Mastercraft have not responded to your e-mails. I bought a Mastercraft Eclipse a couple of years ago. It was a well made really nice cue but not for me. Didn't like the taper. I've dealt with Mastercraft a few times and they are really helpful. Sometimes due to holidays, work etc they get a bit behind with e-mails. Wouldn't worry too much. Good cue makers are always busy so you need to be patient. You'll see from another post that I've now ordered up from Unclevit. Nothing wrong with Mastercraft but just not for me. Finding the ideal cue via the internet is hit and miss.


                          • #14
                            I agree ordering a cue online could be tricky, you never exactly know what you will get. But I need to get a start, a cue I can learn from what I will need. At the moment everytime I play I have a different cue and that's a bigger problem than a not perfect fitting cue!
                            And I'm sure Dave will do a great job and I will get a wonderful cue. Maybe in a few months I will have to get a new one with other specs but until then I think it will be exciting for me to get really in touch with snooker!


                            • #15
                              PJ You're doing all the right things. Playing with the same cue all the time is the right way to go. Getting a half decent cue is also a good idea. Don't make the mistake of chasing after "the perfect cue". Concentrate on your technique and get plenty of practice. If you read other Forum posts you'll see that's there's lots a great snooker players who are all searching for a cue that will help them improve. Don't think anybody has cracked it yet!

