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How long should you give a new cue ?

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  • #16
    If it doesnt feel right then it never will. In my opinion if I dont like a cue after a couple of shots then I know it not the one. My current cue I got very lucky with. I bought it second hand off here. Literally took only a few shots to know this one was a keeper for life. My previous cue was horrible - for me - a great cue but I just didn't like the hit. I practiced with it for weeks but was never happy. Like I say with the current cue I picked it up and hit a couple of balls and instantly knew it was the one. Its all about trusting your instinct.

    If you dont like it now you never will. Sell it on and get something else. Dont go too mad changing specs and try before you buy.

    Good Luck!


    • #17
      it's all about trying them out. some people always criticize the cue when maybe its all to do with the tip? try new tips?

      some people prefer different woods.. try your mates out etc, that's how i found the perfect cue for me!


      • #18
        How long should you give a new cue ?

        5 minutes.

        if it feels sh*t change the tip.

        if it still feels sh*t, get another cue.
        The Cuefather.


        • #19
          Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
          How long should you give a new cue ?

          5 minutes.

          if it feels sh*t change the tip.

          if it still feels sh*t, get another cue.
          I would try out a few tips first but yes, I believe that's the most logical approach to take if only for the simple reason that it's much easier to change tips.

          Cues are a bit dearer. If it plays just ok, i.e. not great and of good quality, I'd probably persevere with it a while more before deciding whether to move on. Not everyone can make themselves a cue like you do Mike...
          When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


          • #20
            Originally Posted by damienlch View Post
            I would try out a few tips first
            If it plays just ok, i.e. not great and of good quality, I'd probably persevere with it a while more before deciding whether to move on.
            yes, maybe try a few more tips. i was assuming you would put an mw supertip on so if that don't play good, nothing will

            but seriously, persevering with a cue that simply does not feel instantly right is a waste of time.

            you are just prolonging the agony.
            The Cuefather.



            • #21
              What he said ^ I know from personal experience. Just move on and try something else.


              • #22
                Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
                yes, maybe try a few more tips. i was assuming you would put an mw supertip on so if that don't play good, nothing will

                but seriously, persevering with a cue that simply does not feel instantly right is a waste of time.

                you are just prolonging the agony.

                Had a supertip on it, but changed it to a pro-granite, both very good tips.

