I live in Canada so the vast majority of cues that I see are 1/2 jointed. How much better are the 3/4 and one piece cues in your opinion .
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1/2 jointed cues question
It depends on how good the centre-jointed cue is. However ALL of the good players in the world (except for the top Canadian players like Alex Pagulayan and Tom Finstand, Floyd Zeigler) prefer mostly 1pc ash or else 3/4-butt ash.
Even some of the top Canadian players like John White and a few more use 3/4-butt ash.
If you want to see some good 3/4 and 1pc cues for sale in Canada, check my two strings in the cues section. I'm selling around 13 really good cues
TerryTerry Davidson
IBSF Master Coach & Examiner
A joint should not really affect a cue that much as long as the cue is balanced correctly.Robert Osbourne and John Parris ,along with Craftsmans and a few others all offer centre joint cues (1/2 joint) and the ones I have seen are very good.I once owned a centre joint Blue Plate that played exceptionally well and proved ,to me , that a jointed cue is no bad thing.Early wood to wood American or Canadian made cues ( Sneaky Petes etc ) are great playing cues and some English made vintage cues are right up there with the best.I sent a set of j.pegs to Airin (PQJ on TSF) of a Riley Burwatt,hand spliced,Dennis Taylor,centre jointed cue , under the title of " invisible joint" and it was invisible, that cue plays superbly and reinforced my opinion on centre joint cues (perhaps Airin could e-mail some j.pegs to you).Any jointed cue , in my opinion , when made out of a single piece of timber,correctly tapered and balanced should play as well as a one piece whether it is centre or 3/4 jointed.You only have to ask yourself one question " is the demise of jointed cues,in professional circles a fashion fad or is there something else" , a lot of players , historically used jointed cues and some still do , I suppose it is a matter of personal preference when all is said and done.
It has been said that visible centre joints used to annoy the player because the joint was in their view as they feather and deliver the cue.
I own and play with 1/2, 3/4 and 1pc, well less so with the old 1/2
I never visually noticed the 1/2 joint when getting ready to deliver the cue.
Now, as to how the cues feel...
a very subjective subject () and they all feel good to me.
I cannot directly compare the cues as they are all different in various ways.
1/2 = maple, 8.2mm ferrule
3/4 = ash, 8.2mm
1pc = ash 9.5mmUp the TSF! :snooker: