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  • Homemade

    Morning all,

    Looking for a bit of advice really. I want to start a new project so looking at hand crafting my self a cue. I have got a good idea of the process and things I will need.

    Basically looking for any top tips or any pitfalls that I can avoid. I am quiet handy in the workshop and have most of the hand tools that I will need but as I said before I'm really just looking for some tips like how long to leave between initial planing and final shaping to let the wood settle.

    I'm thinking just a simple splice of probably rosewood ie. no decorative splices (save that for next time).

    I am currently planning and building my new workbench for the garage so will probably be me first big project to try once that is finished in a couple of weeks.



  • #2
    A good plane is a must for a start. To be honest you need a good few things. Bandsaw, lathe and plane are all essential in cue making really.
    "Don't think, feel"


    • #3
      Fortunately my old man has both a band saw and a lathe, the plan was to make a trip down to see him to cut the splicing wood on the band saw. I have got 2 very high quality planes passed down from a relative who was a cabinet maker, I have recently got new blade for these as the old ones I suspect are at least 60 years old.


      • #4
        Mike Wooldridge did two (IIRC) youtube vids on the process of hand planing square stock into a shaft.
        Sorry I cannot find the clips or the old thread that has the links.
        He did not go into the process of adding butt splices or decorative splicing.
        Up the TSF! :snooker:


        • #5
          Here are the MW clips


          • #6
            Your on your sweeney lol. No I think you should get a good picture outline from the forum but maybe not the juicy trade info, that is time and years of error for trying, I respect that. One thing is for sure apart from the taper dims, its all about the woody wood wood.
            Good luck with the bench. Post some pics when its finished, is it for cue making?


            • #7
              Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
              Your on your sweeney lol. No I think you should get a good picture outline from the forum but maybe not the juicy trade info, that is time and years of error for trying, I respect that. One thing is for sure apart from the taper dims, its all about the woody wood wood.
              Good luck with the bench. Post some pics when its finished, is it for cue making?
              I wasn't expecting any trade secrets, I'm sure they are hard to prise from the great minds. Hopefully should have my bench done by the end of the month. It's for general use and to help tidy up the garage a bit, but thinking having an attempt at making a cue will keep it messy for a while.



              • #8
                Like your thinking branston

                Originally Posted by thebranstonman View Post
                I wasn't expecting any trade secrets, I'm sure they are hard to prise from the great minds. Hopefully should have my bench done by the end of the month. It's for general use and to help tidy up the garage a bit, but thinking having an attempt at making a cue will keep it messy for a while.



                • #9
                  would keep the old blades if i was you, quality would be superior to modern ones.
                  Originally Posted by thebranstonman View Post
                  Fortunately my old man has both a band saw and a lathe, the plan was to make a trip down to see him to cut the splicing wood on the band saw. I have got 2 very high quality planes passed down from a relative who was a cabinet maker, I have recently got new blade for these as the old ones I suspect are at least 60 years old.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by flame View Post
                    would keep the old blades if i was you, quality would be superior to modern ones.
                    Have still got them I think they will be fine after a quick go on a grindstone. Completely need a new edge, would have taken me days to achieve on a oil stone!

                    Hopefully off to a timber yard Sunday to sort out the stuff I need for the work bench.


                    • #11
                      Good luck to you mate! As above you really need a lathe,bandsaw,plane all in hand to use really!
                      You will also find you need jigs made up to make things easier for yourself!
                      The main thing is to try and enjoy it and learn from your mistakes.

