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cascamite wood glue for splices

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  • cascamite wood glue for splices

    Any cuemakers here used cascamite wood glue for their splicework and what are your thoughts?

  • #2
    Not used it for splices but as an ex joiner used it on a regular basis over 40 years ago. Fantastic stuff when mixed correctly.
    "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford


    • #3
      Ok Thanks Maverick54. Just a question. MIXED CORRECTLY, can you please elaborate??



      • #4
        you can buy as a fluid mix on ebay,but i usetitebond 3


        • #5
          Thanks Jim. Much appreciated


          • #6
            Originally Posted by sanman View Post
            Ok Thanks Maverick54. Just a question. MIXED CORRECTLY, can you please elaborate??

            When we used it some folk would often add to much water to make it last longer before it went off. This of course weakened it to much and most would just soak into the timber (softwood joints) and be next to useless. It needs to be mixed a bit like ready break to give a good strong bond between joints. Always been a fantastic glue in my opinion for the right job.
            Not sure it would be as good on hardwoods as some of the other glues on the market today tho, so probably not my first choice for using on snooker cues.
            Last edited by Maverick54; 7 January 2015, 05:37 PM.
            "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford


            • #7
              Too brittle when its dry , not much impact resistance , in my opinion , agree with Maverick , needs mixing correctly and not so good on hardwoods .

