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Burroughs and Watts Cue - to ferrule or not?

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  • Burroughs and Watts Cue - to ferrule or not?

    Good day - I am deliberating whether to have a Burroughes and Watts snooker cue updated for possibly playing with a new ferrule and tip which will alter it from its original use as a billiards cue. I don't know much about the cue itself other than has a similar look to a Norfolk cue ??
    Would the cue be more desirable to a collector in its original state or a player if usable for snooker? Any thoughts or info on the cue greatly appreciated .

    Tried to load photos but size too big so working out how to add them.

    This link may work"
    Last edited by brumby; 10 August 2015, 09:27 PM.

  • #2
    Don't think you can adds pics till you have more posts.


    • #3
      Have tried a Google photos link to upload photos - hope it works .


      • #4
        yes that's a Norfolk,what's specs of it,and is it stiff.


        • #5
          Hi it's 17oz - 58 inches long and 11mm at tip - never played with it so don't know whether stiff or not. I have had it a couple of years and always loved having it around but for snooker use I guess would need updating but wondered if this would be a waste of an old style cue.


          • #6
            I would poss like to buy instead of you altering if price is right, you can't pm yet so if you want to contact me,email James.evans1950@talk


            • #7
              Thanks but it's not really my intention to sell as the chances of owning a cue like this seems to be getting harder - but just wondered if altering the cue would be extremely or mildly detrimental in the long run.


              • #8
                In that case the answer to that is yes, it would be better to leave it original.
                Try it without one, cues don't fall apart if played with without a ferrule.
                Old cue collector --
                Cue Sales:
                (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                • #9
                  Also depending what size ferrule would poss mean retapering shaft


                  • #10
                    Just out of interest if a cue such as this was put onto an auction site for sale, would it achieve a higher price in its original condition which would only really appeal to a collector, Or would it achieve a higher price being a genuine B&W cue that had been re-tapered and re-feruled etc. to snooker specs?
                    "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford


                    • #11
                      Getting a Norfolk cue done to snooker specs would probably be more then the cue is worth


                      • #12
                        This is a hand spliced cue Leo.
                        Very rough rule of thumb, if collector value is less than ~150 a cue will probably go up in value of made into a player and plays well (whether this covers the cost is debatable), above that it's likely to go down. Exception being B&W cues which players seem to think a magical and sometimes pay silly money for!
                        Old cue collector --
                        Cue Sales:
                        (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)

