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DIY ferrules

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  • DIY ferrules

    i got some brass ferrules today and i want to know the best way to atach them to my cue i have already removed the previous ferrule.

    this new ferrule is a lot smaller than the previous one in terms of length and the bit where the ferrule is attached is longer than the ferrule is this a problem or can i just file any excess wood off.

    what would be the best way to attach the ferrule myself.


  • #2
    if i was you i would get a pro to do it just in case you ruin your cue or have a go on a cheap cue first


    • #3
      this is a cheap cue


      • #4
        Sadly, there's no really easy way to describe how to go about this over a forum.

        It is a skill which has to be seen, taught and learnt, OR, one which has to be learnt from experience. If you are good with your hands, then you may well be able to do a great job first time, I can't say.

        What you'll need to ensure is to cut a perfectly good seat for the ferrule to sit onto, and it's this which will prove tricky for you. As for attaching the ferrule, it can be done by bonding, or, by threading and bonding. Once you have it on the cue, you'll then need to ensure the top of the shaft is flush with the ferrule, which is another issue you will probably need to tackle.

        I think when you take into consideration the above points, you can see why you've had the advice you've had, about taking it to someone who has done it before.

        Good luck with it.

