Hi people!
im looking for a snooker cue for myself, i tend to play 2-4hours a week, with friends having fun. like every player i play win and thus would like a cue to do the job.
I'll be honest i dont have the faintest idea about makes of cues, types of wood and weight of cues etc.
all i know is that i would like a half decent 3 or 4 piece cue, in the region of £80 - £100 (may be able to stretch to £120), a case inc. would be nice but not neccesary.
a friend of mine recently bough a 4 piece cooper cues cue, in a hard leather case for £85, is this good? although id rather have a different cue to him.
please help me!, and thanks!
im looking for a snooker cue for myself, i tend to play 2-4hours a week, with friends having fun. like every player i play win and thus would like a cue to do the job.
I'll be honest i dont have the faintest idea about makes of cues, types of wood and weight of cues etc.
all i know is that i would like a half decent 3 or 4 piece cue, in the region of £80 - £100 (may be able to stretch to £120), a case inc. would be nice but not neccesary.
a friend of mine recently bough a 4 piece cooper cues cue, in a hard leather case for £85, is this good? although id rather have a different cue to him.
please help me!, and thanks!
