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What is this table?

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  • What is this table?

    Hello all,
    I'm looking at this table on ebay and the seller says it's a Daymoat Large Turned Leg. I've never heard of it, and google doesn't show anything, or indeed the search on here.

    So, does anyone have any knowledge about these tables?

  • #2
    I have sold and worked on many of these tables. They were made in the 80s by a furniture company on England. A couple of problems we found were that the large leg is prone to becoming slack from the leg head as it is only joined by means of one large dowel. If this fails it renders the table very shaky. The cushion body`s are also made with plywood which is prone to bursting due tightening the cushion bolts. If under tightened the cushion will give a dull `thud`. Apart from that they are a nice table but not one of the better quality.


    • #3
      Any opinions on these two tables?


      • #4
        Do you have any opinions on these two tables?


        • #5
          Daymoat was a Firm in Leeds , they could be something to do with house of billiards the industry import suppliers as I think this compnay evolved from them , I think the owner when this table was made was Arthur Varley , and I think ex pro John dunning used to rep for them ? in the 80s .
          Arthur Varley was a main importer in the 70/80s and used to import thousands of cues and balls from the far east , I used to buy those walking stick cue's with the dragon carved in the side and large brass head from him by the box load , for just £3 each and sell them for £8 to £10 in pubs .

          I have to laugh as I often see these come up on ebay now and again , one seller saying the cue was made for a rich Arab who gave it to him , these cues can sell for over £100 as people have never seen them before and think they are a one off , but they realy are just a novelty imported in their thousands by Arthur .

          As for the table I agree not a fantastic table , there are better made out there .



          • #6
            Geoff I have just spoken to my good friend Bert Demarco (ex pro) who dealt extensively with Arthur Varley. He said that the tables were in deed made in Leeds. They were manufactured by a furniture maker who Arthur knew, and had a factory in Leeds. His first name was Allan, but he can`t recall his surname. The signature of these tables was the pussy cat logo which can be found embossed on the legs and frame rails. Bert used to buy these from Arthur who was like an agent and these were marketed in Scotland as the `Caledonia` model. Bert had a billiard fitting company in the 80`s called `Caledonian Snooker Services`


            • #7
              Yes Iv'e heard of Caledonian snooker services , I rememeber the cat logo too , I knew Arthur because i used to go up to collect cloth and cues etc , he had a daughter called Dawn who worked for him too .
              I think House of billiards bought him out or arthur turned daymoat into house of billiards .
              John dunning was a character , he used to Drive down to nottingham with a bottle of whisky between his legs , I was amazed he never got stopped by the Police on the M1 .
              Late 1970s was the time we used to purchase items from daymoat , I also rememebr he imported some tables from the Philippines , they where heavely carved and polished with Car laquer , they looked the buisness when you set them up , but within weeks the Green wood they where made out of started splitting and the car laquer pealed , my local club here in stapleford had 6 of them and I am sure they where sold to a Scottish firm who restripped them down and poilished them , they are now located up youre area somewhere .


              • #8
                Wouldn`t have been Strathclyde Snooker?


                • #9
                  I'm not sure , could have been I was not involved with the selling part just loaded them onto the lorry that took them up there .
                  they had some of the worst slates on them I had ever seen , my cousin who tried to put tables up , put a floor board planer stripper sanding machine on the slates to try and level them out . it was the wood that was twisting , not the slates that where out I told him , he just ignored me and carried on sanding .
                  He is not in the trade anymore thankgod ,
                  I like to say to my clients , Iv'e seen this trade from both sides of the Fence and I know which side I like to be on , the time served side , not the quick buck side .



                  • #10
                    I love these stories about characters and firms from the recent past, keep them coming guys!


                    • #11
                      Bert Demarco likes to recall the story of when he arranged to have a Japanese Kimono made for Arthur Varley as a gift for his wife. Arthur`s wife was so happy Bert got the best cloth deals you could imagine.

