Hi. I'm getting a snooker room built by way of a large extension on the back of the house, something I've wanted virtually all my life. However, being a married bloke I have to compromise with the wife as she wants an orangery type affair dontcha know. This involves a 4m x 2m roof lantern type thing sitting over where the table will be positioned. It's something her fanny of an architect came up with and she seems more wedded to the idea than she is to me. It can be fitted with blinds so blocking out the light isn't a problem, but lighting for the table is.
So my question is, does anyone know of a way of providing good lighting for the table that doesn't involve a centrally placed light or lights, as these would hang where this poxy roof lantern is designed to go? Are there any forms of side lighting that would work that anyone has come across? Thanks very much.
So my question is, does anyone know of a way of providing good lighting for the table that doesn't involve a centrally placed light or lights, as these would hang where this poxy roof lantern is designed to go? Are there any forms of side lighting that would work that anyone has come across? Thanks very much.