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Northwest team championship.

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  • Northwest team championship.

    Hi all. I would just like to inform everyone of the creation of the North West Team Championship on behalf of Greater Manchester Inter-Snooker League.
    I was contacted today to discuss their idea and it's possible benefits. This has in my opinion come at the right time. As it is a shorter format than the County setup, whilst it would now be able to accommodate those areas that had problems entering the NCC in it's first season owing to player numbers or suitable venues.
    These will be 5 man teams open to all areas. This is still at the early stages but more info will be available shortly.
    Could you please reply to this with possible numbers of teams so that we can gauge the level of interest? Then I will relay this back to the relevant parties.

    Simon Seabridge.
    Cheap and Cheerful! 😄

  • #2
    this sounds interesting... im sure you'll get quite a bit of interest

    there wasn't an interleague this year was there?
    #jeSuisMasterBlasterBarryWhite2v1977Luclex(andHisF ictiousTwin)BigSplash!


    • #3
      Originally Posted by bolton-cueman View Post
      this sounds interesting... im sure you'll get quite a bit of interest

      there wasn't an interleague this year was there?
      Hi bolton-cueman, yes there was an inter league. It's the National County Championship. It's run by the EASB & will be run again starting Sept/Oct. More info for the 2015/16 season will be on their website shortly ( This seasons results & league tables are on their website.
      I would like to wish them all the best in this venture. Takes a lot of planning & commitment. Good luck to all involved.
      Last edited by Tony Morgan; 27 April 2015, 11:02 PM.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by bolton-cueman View Post
        this sounds interesting... im sure you'll get quite a bit of interest

        there wasn't an interleague this year was there?
        Hi there. Interleague/ team championships have been running for years under different guise's. County isn't quite the same. For instance; run the uk league snooker annual championships. This year hosted by Northern Snooker Centre, Leeds. A couple of years ago they held there finals weekend at South West Snooker Academy, which I though was fantastic. This is where we had our inspiration from with regards getting County Snooker back again.

        The Jersey Open Snooker Championship. This is hosted by Jersey over a number of days to play to a conclusion.

        All of this and more has always existed. However most counties/ areas have suffered from player numbers and various other issues. County Snooker has gone part way to raising awareness to what is actually happening up and down the country. So this is all slowing trickling through.

        As mentioned previously. I will get back to everyone once I know more details.

        Thanks again.
        Simon Seabridge. (Staffordshire).
        Cheap and Cheerful! 😄


        • #5

          TITLE The Competition shall be known as the North West Team Championship.

          OBJECTS The Team Championship shall be to provide a basis for competitive snooker whilst fostering a spirit of good fellowship and sportsmanship of those who play the game under its jurisdiction .

          OFFICERS The day to day affairs of the competition shall be conducted by an executive committee of 3 members .

          ENTRY FEE Entry fee to be £50 per team.

          RECIEPT OF PRIZES Prize money and trophies will be distributed at the conclusion of the competition i.e. The Final.

          REGISTRATIONS Teams submitting an entry form must include;
          A cheque for £50
          A list of registered players totalling a maximum of 8

          TOUR PLAYERS A Tour Player ranked 64 plus will be allowed on a handicap of 21. One pro player per match.

          CONDUCT OF MATCHES All frames shall be played in accordance with the laws of the EASB.

          MISS RULE The Miss Rule will be applied.
          All matters concerning match rules in accordance with the EASB to Mr Graham Stanley-07782102250.
          Cheap and Cheerful! 😄

