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Rest shot forearm angle question?

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  • Rest shot forearm angle question?

    In some books, it is said that the forearm should be parallel to the table when playing with the rest.
    However, I myself have noticed lots of players have the forearm about 45 degree to horizontal.
    What do you do?

  • #2
    Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
    In some books, it is said that the forearm should be parallel to the table when playing with the rest.
    However, I myself have noticed lots of players have the forearm about 45 degree to horizontal.
    What do you do?
    toughie that one ... rest shots are the worst ... I'd actually prefer to be snookered or tight under the cushion personally ...

    probably miss getting out of the snooker but at least it's fun to see if you can get the angles right ... or under the cushion tests how good your cueing is ...

    back to rest shots ... I try with my forearm parallel to the table but I really really struggle to push the cue through straight ... and as for getting any power on it if needed ... no chance

    my only advice although I haven't got it to work for me yet ... I watched Jack Karnhem's videos recently on YouTube (or it might have been Terry Griffiths) and one of them was saying most people get their head too close to the butt of the cue (ie behind the line of the cue) so can't bring the cue back enough on the backswing ...


    • #3
      Well there isn't really any need to get your forearm right up parallel to the bed, as most players even on TV have a relaxed forearm which still enables them to push the cue through straight, having the forearm right up is uncomfortable for some. Both methods are fine it is what is right for you.



      • #4
        Thanks Bongo.
        I am trying to relax my shoulder(right) and lower my forearm and I am getting good result, especially on power shots.
        In John spencer's book he adviced a parallel forearm so I have been doing that, but it is quite uncomfortable for me. For small roll up soft shots that was fine but for power shots I have no consistency.
        With the dropped forearm I notice I can have a longer follow through with my rest.
        Just want to know if that is what most players do?


        • #5
          i hate using the rest, im totally rubbish with it, gonna study some videos now actually lol.


          • #6
            The only time i can cue with any consistancy is when my elbow is just below my hand. Not quite 45 degrees i would say about 30 degrees off horizontal.
            sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


            • #7
              i use to be fantastic with the rest.

              sometimes i cued straighter with one haha.

              but somewhere along the line, i "changed" what didnt need changing in terms of technique. now its abit up and down. sometimes i play really well sometimes i dont.

              i think a shorter bridge is much better for the rest. i get more reaction and tend not to chip the ball that way.

              also dont hold the rest too tight. i like my grip loose. 45 degrees or horizontal, both are fine if you are comfortable but sometimes with horizontal when i try to do too much, i cue across the ball because my arm goes in an outwards motion

