Originally Posted by itsnoteasy
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If that would'nt be possible according to you, no player in the world is able to accelerate the CB ( as you described : good at a pointy stick and ball game ? ) .
your knowledge is extremely high, really hard to catch up.
But I'm gonna give it a try. Please take your time to read this post. it can do no harm if read it abit more carefuly.
A heavier cue at the same speed will transfer more energy. something slasher mentioned ( laws of physics ) and I agree with.
Hendry played with a 17 OZ cue.
So, let's just say Hendry plays a SCW backshot and generating amount of spin on CB.
according to science, if Hendry plays the same shot, at the same speed, with a 18oz cue, he should be able to generate more spin on CB relative to the first shot he Pulled off with a 17oz cue.
So, why he did'nt changed his cue? why he did'nt buy a 18oz cue in order to generate more spin and Not to mention, making his own work easier and more comfortable ??
he did'nt because he was able to generate the same amount of spin with a 17oz cue , as much as he could do it with a 18oz cue at the same shot. and That's the moment when the player beat the science . ( timing /acceleration / and .......... pointy stick and ball game ?? )
this can be appelied to acceleration too.
In other words, you can play with any cue that suits your game (17/16/19/18 OZ) . It's your choice .
But at the end of the day, it all comes up to your technique.
I'm gonna buy a heavier cue in order to generate more spin and play a better SCW backshot just bcuz Newton said more Mass lead to more Energy : IS NOTHING MORE THAN A MYTH.
Back to the practice table !!
hope this is okey , otherwise i'm gonna have to put that Nobel prize out of my mind
