I have been watching some video footage of Ronnie demonstrating the screwback shot and, he gets a lot of action on the cue ball. From what I can see he doesn't strike the cueball anywhere near as low as I try to. When I play a screwback shot, the tip of my cue is no more than a millimeter or so above the cloth and, despite this I still don't get much action on the cueball. Watching Ronnie, he appears to strike the cueball with at least a full tip width between the underside of his tip and the cloth. Although he mentioned in the video that the cue should be kept parallel, I got the impression that he was more likely pushing the cue through the ball at a downward angle, that is to say that although the initial contact of the tip with the cueball is highish, the cue tip is as good as touching the cloth at the end of the follow through.
Any thoughts anyone?
Any thoughts anyone?