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New Video: The Break Off Shot

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  • New Video: The Break Off Shot

    Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great Christmas and a great New Year.

    My latest video is now on YouTube. All about the break off shot. Go and have a look and give the video a like and consider subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed it.

    WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
    Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions

  • #2
    Another useful video for beginners. What do think is the most common reason for people hitting the blue from the break off shot? ( assuming they're attempting the figure-of-eight as you demonstrate).


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Nifty50 View Post
      Another useful video for beginners. What do think is the most common reason for people hitting the blue from the break off shot? ( assuming they're attempting the figure-of-eight as you demonstrate).
      Hitting the reds to thick or not putting enough right hand side on the cue ball i'd suggest.
      TIP: try breaking with the cue ballcloser to the yellow, you'll hit the blue ball much less often.
      "just tap it in":snooker:


      • #4
        Wen u watch Ronnie it looks like he is hiring cue ball about 25past if it was a clock face
        Current playing cue Trevor White
        3/4 ash cue


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Stevie1 View Post
          Wen u watch Ronnie it looks like he is hiring cue ball about 25past if it was a clock face
          The break off is subjective, there isn't one way to break off but what Steve has pointed out is an easy way to break off.
          The type of cloth, your tip, your cue action, everything comes into play when playing any shot with side. Our techniques offer us different amounts of throw etc etc
          "just tap it in":snooker:


          • #6
            Well, al try the break of shot that way see how a get on
            Current playing cue Trevor White
            3/4 ash cue


            • #7
              Hi! Just like anything else in the game, you have to try these shots and see how you get on.

              I can't give you an absolute in any of these videos, all I can do is give a good guide for beginners starting out. Some people prefer to play the break off with more side, some people don't play much side.

              Exactly as Tom has said, there are all kinds of things that will affect the reaction you get. But that applies on any shot. Even a simple stun shot off the cushion will slide differently when played on a club table or a match table with a brand new number 10 cloth on.

              So really these videos are a good reference point, and then you can work out what's best for you from there.

              Most professionals are anywhere from right in the middle of the yellow and brown, or over close to the brown. Exactly where you put the white will depend on where you get the best results. Stephen Maguire actually likes the white very close to the yellow.

              Have a play around and see how you get on.
              WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
              Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


              • #8
                Last edited by tedisbill; 4 January 2019, 02:58 AM.
                WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
                Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions

