Hello all,
I've been browsering the site now for a few weeks and it full very helpful tips and info, thanks to all who have posted. I'ts certainly pushed me to try harder with my game to the point of actualy going to coach to find all those faults and advise possible solutions. Thanks Andy Brett (Solihull). I have a few things to go away with now and practice before my next session
I starting playing the game when i was 14 and as normal all the instruction came from my dad (a 70+ player in his day) played for about 10 years at the Garretts green Club until i moved away. Only started playing again about a year ago using our local social club, maybe a couple times a week. I've managed a good number on 20s and the odd 30 over that time but struggle to get any higher breaks, hence the coaching session.
Anyway gased on way to long
so thanks to all the member again.
HB 62 in the early days.
I've been browsering the site now for a few weeks and it full very helpful tips and info, thanks to all who have posted. I'ts certainly pushed me to try harder with my game to the point of actualy going to coach to find all those faults and advise possible solutions. Thanks Andy Brett (Solihull). I have a few things to go away with now and practice before my next session

I starting playing the game when i was 14 and as normal all the instruction came from my dad (a 70+ player in his day) played for about 10 years at the Garretts green Club until i moved away. Only started playing again about a year ago using our local social club, maybe a couple times a week. I've managed a good number on 20s and the odd 30 over that time but struggle to get any higher breaks, hence the coaching session.
Anyway gased on way to long

HB 62 in the early days.