Hi, I am new here! Actually, I am a new fan of snooker, but I loved it from the first time I watched it and I am so happy that Ronnie won yesterday.
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Well... I am just 13 and I began watching snooker soon. I know the rules and I can see the balls that can be shoot, but the problem is that I live in Bulgaria and we don't have snooker players. We just have one snooker club but I am a girl and noone wants to play with a girl. I think that that is stupid because there is a female referee, why not to have female players.But at all I love that sport, I am new in it but I am learning about it and I hope I will know everything about it soon and maybe this will happen with your help...
Welcome Laura. Its too bad nobody will play with you at the club. Maybe you can just practice and improve your skill first and then eventually the boys will take notice and challenge you.Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
My Snooker Blog: www.snookerdelight.com