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Which Cue......
Which Cue......
Hi i use to play snooker long time ago. i want to get back into it. Went to pick my cue up from the local and someone had taken it. So what is the best make to get i have a budget of about 100 pound. Been looking at peradon make.Should i invest in a second hand one?.Thanks Daz
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I'd consider second hand mate yeah. As long as you get to see it first and check its straight etc. Main thing is to find a cue that feels good and is the right specs for you (weight/length/tip size).
Personally I wouldn't go Peradon. Might be an individual thing, but I reckon the perception from people who aren't serious players is that Peradon are some of the best cues out there. But I've never been impressed by one personally! There are loads of good options out there. For good value/proper good cues have a look at Britannia or Phoenix. Unless your particularly bothered, look for a cue with a plain ebony butt, as you'll get much more for your money. Multi-spliced butts tend to add a lot of cost to a cue, but don't do anything to improve how the cue plays.