Originally Posted by magicman
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Originally Posted by magicman
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(b) If the striker, in making a stroke, fails to first hit a ball on when there is a clear path in a straight line from the cue-ball to any part of any ball that is or could be on, the referee shall call FOUL AND A MISS,
In this case the rule isn't even subjective, if the player has played a more difficult escape than the direct shot which is available, then you must call a miss.
The general miss rules are..
21. Miss
A miss is when the cue-ball fails to first contact a ball on and the referee considers that the striker has not made a good enough attempt to hit a ball on.
14. Foul and a Miss
The striker shall, to the best of his ability, endeavour to hit the ball on. If the referee considers the Rule infringed, he shall call FOUL AND A MISS unless ...
The key components there are good enough attempt and The striker shall, to the best of his ability, endeavour to hit the ball on.
So, the Q is, can you really say you've played to the best of your ability, and made a good enough attempt if you pick a harder escape and miss? No, what you've really done is picked the safer option, the harder option, the one where you're less likely to hit the ball on, and is therefore not you endeavouring to hit the ball on, but instead you endeavouring to avoid letting the opponent in.
That's the argument for playing the easiest escape option, because it's your best attempt to hit the ball on, and anything else is a "miss".
Originally Posted by magicman
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