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SAFER ONLINE PURCHASES - Cue Buying Proxy Service managed by forum volunteers

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    An idea might be for anyone thats selling an item then they have to PM a mod their full name and address + landline number + main email address (not msn, yahoo or similar) before a thread can go live, i'm no expert on how forums operate but i'm sure this info could be held in some kind of database or on a spread sheet.

    A landline number i'd say is important because they can't exactly give a number from a telephone box or similar because they can't be near that phone 24/7 just incase a buyer decides to ring them.
    Yep i agree and think that is a good idea .


    • #32
      3 months and 100 posts to sell stuff i say...
      Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


      • #33
        Originally Posted by hotpot View Post
        Personally i would like to see the options pinpointed and then put to the members to see what the majority want . I like the idea of having to be a member for three months before you can sell .
        Ya I agree. Ferret came up with so many good ideas. Would be great to see them all listed up and voted on by members.
        Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
        My Snooker Blog:


        • #34
          escrow services cause nearly as many problems anyway. in reality buying and selling for individuals in one off transactions will always have an element of risk and sadly there will always be some people happy to rip others off.

