Originally Posted by knox
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Dark Hprse MYX Design cues.
Originally Posted by noel View PostHello sh1234...
By way of agreement with you, let me observe that the greatest brain surgeon in the world could probably perform surgery with a spoon just as ROS could probably thrash us both using a broomstick.
It might not be pretty though.
I haven't ever heard anyone on this forum assert that a Trevor White or a Mike Wooldridge or a Will Hunt etc turned them from club ball pecker into an exquisite potting pro. Ever.
But I for one do appreciate fine craftsmanship and a gift for making a well-balanced tool whether I can afford one or not.
true. but in all seriousness, if thats a word, i dont think those cases are "worth" £40. most aluminium cases on ebay arent worth £40. i made that mistake and learnt. not that i paid £40 for one but the quality of the inside.
not good at all to be honest. the only aluminium cases worth £40 are the ones sold by craftsman and they are a tad under £40
Originally Posted by RGCirencester View PostBut certainly getting a decent cue can improve standard in my opinion.
Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Postmike wooldridge 'BLACK SHEEP' cues - coming soon near you
Brief outline of my snooker experience. I have played the game for 10 years, stopped playing for 10 years and for these past 3 years have picked up the game again.
For this seconded period of snooker playing days, I bought a 70gpd Reily cue machine spliced. Played horrible for 1 month before I bought a 40gpd LP cue (Chinese made) hand spliced.
I played with the LP with no complaints for 3 years until recently I upgraded to a Wooldridge cue.
Don;t knock Chinese cues, they are better than equivalent priced "Argos" cues.
(p.s. Im from UK so I do know Argos is a department store rather than a cue brand)
Myx "dark horse" cue
I have been an avid snooker player for some 30+ years and owned several cues in that time, at the moment I use a R.O'S cue, however I recentley bought my son one of these MYX cues and decided to borrow it for a few frames over the period of several visits to my local Riley's club.
I get the distinct feeling from the posts on this forum that we have a classic case of snooker snobbery in regard to these cues, yes I agree they are not as good as some premium £150 cues but your missing the point guys, you get what you pay for and in the case of these MYX CUES, you get alot of cue for your money, It is well balanced, looks well made and feels solid to play with.
Add to that the aluminium case, butt extension & reach extension and it is ALOT OF CUE FOR THE MONEY, I for one would not feel embarrased using it in any of the club competitions I regulary play in and have had plenty of fellow snooker players comment on how smart it is and how well balanced it is.
Enough said. (horses for courses)
Originally Posted by stevemartin View PostI have been an avid snooker player for some 30+ years and owned several cues in that time, at the moment I use a R.O'S cue, however I recentley bought my son one of these MYX cues and decided to borrow it for a few frames over the period of several visits to my local Riley's club.
I get the distinct feeling from the posts on this forum that we have a classic case of snooker snobbery in regard to these cues, yes I agree they are not as good as some premium £150 cues but your missing the point guys, you get what you pay for and in the case of these MYX CUES, you get alot of cue for your money, It is well balanced, looks well made and feels solid to play with.
Add to that the aluminium case, butt extension & reach extension and it is ALOT OF CUE FOR THE MONEY, I for one would not feel embarrased using it in any of the club competitions I regulary play in and have had plenty of fellow snooker players comment on how smart it is and how well balanced it is.
Enough said. (horses for courses)
They are often heavy too, if you want something lighter than 19 ounce you would struggle with most of the chinese cues.
Although if the cues your are comparing them to are the likes of argos, JJB etc. I would certainly buy the cue off ebay.
Any chance of some pictures of your sons cue?Last edited by RGCirencester; 8 January 2010, 06:02 PM.sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!
I LOVE MY CUE (its an MYX, im knox's brother) cause i beat a lot of people in pool and snooker with itand they go on abt how they got expensive good cues for cheap, etc, bla bla bla. yeh its good, but it really comes down to you. ive picked up a fair few cues, pretty much, every chance i get i play with peoples cues, and to be honest, i was blessed and absolutely thrilled i got given a 16.5 ounce cue when it said online it was supposed to be 19 ounces lol
it turned out to be a good thing. ive since then ordered about 5 more cues for my friends, and each one, has turned out, great. feels good, everything. i let a guy in my club play with my cue, he wanted to buy it off me with only the knowledge i got it for cheap. but i said no. only because, i dont hav access to another cue thats 16.5 ounces, atm, except my last cue which is a P.O.S. eddie charlton thing my friends uncle makes. having said that, i do love that P.O.S. and beat most ppl locally with that thing too. lol
verdict: it comes down to how it plays for the individual. =D
Originally Posted by stevemartin View PostI have been an avid snooker player for some 30+ years and owned several cues in that time, at the moment I use a R.O'S cue, however I recentley bought my son one of these MYX cues and decided to borrow it for a few frames over the period of several visits to my local Riley's club.
I get the distinct feeling from the posts on this forum that we have a classic case of snooker snobbery in regard to these cues, yes I agree they are not as good as some premium £150 cues but your missing the point guys, you get what you pay for and in the case of these MYX CUES, you get alot of cue for your money, It is well balanced, looks well made and feels solid to play with.
Add to that the aluminium case, butt extension & reach extension and it is ALOT OF CUE FOR THE MONEY, I for one would not feel embarrased using it in any of the club competitions I regulary play in and have had plenty of fellow snooker players comment on how smart it is and how well balanced it is.
Enough said. (horses for courses)
Okay since i started this tread yonkers ago ill say that the cue is very decent.
Its not a Parris, UT, MW or TW but for the amount u pay u dont really complain.
mine is
ash shaft
9.0mm tip
57" long
29mm butt
balance is around 17" from the butt.
hand spliced ebony with maple veneer and 4 splicing of cambodian Narra Wood.
it looks pretty nice, the splices are even to around 1mm, my ebony was not painted over, it was left natural.
It plays well but i wanna move onto something a lil more special, hence im waiting for my UT =]