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dan shelton cues

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  • Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
    correct yes it was - what happened to that thread!
    sorry, what thread would that be?
    Good news about your cue though, I am awaiting my personal contact with Dan

    oh, just seen the Film Quiz thread
    Up the TSF! :snooker:


    • i have just restarted the film thread!


      • hay Andrew are they your personal cues or going to be for sale?


        • Originally Posted by jay_j View Post
          hay Andrew are they your personal cues or going to be for sale?
          no they are sold.


          • Originally Posted by deant1982 View Post
            I have read through this entire thread, and wonder if I am the insane one, or everybody else is mad.
            Questions -
            Does Dan Shelton make beautiful looking cues? Yes, no doubt about it.
            Do the cues play well? I have no idea, but have heard yes, they do.
            Do I have sympathy for what (I have read) he has gone through in the last year? Yes, of course I do. It is not a nice thing.
            Why oh why do people STILL give him the benefit of the doubt?
            The way he has acted since his troubles began are beyond reprehensible! He continued taking money from people for cue orders, when he had no way of providing the products. His last activity on here was MONTHS ago. Even if he had just come on to keep dragging it out a bit, regular updates, even if not good news, are still more appreciated more than vanishing off the face of the earth.
            It seams that because he has some well connected friends on here (ADR147, Mike Wooldridge, Trevor White etc) people think he is beyond reproach! The people that have ordered cues from him have been a lot more patient with him that they have needed to be, or would have been with anyone else that was selling them something. Is this for fear of upsetting a different cue maker?
            I would like to own a DS cue in the future. They look like fantastic bits of timber, and are something to keep and enjoy, however after reading this, I am certainly glad I have never ordered one from him, as I have a feeling with what has happened, I would have added to his troubles.
            As I said above, I have nothing but sympathy for the guy and his situation. I truely hope his life is turned around for the better, and that he on his way back to doing what he enjoys and does extremely well - making cues. On the other hand, I hope MW or whoever gave him a really good kick up the a**e about the way he has treated his customers, and he returned with a vengance, and works to try and restore his once golden reputation.
            My summary of him from this forum, and researching his work -
            Dan Shelton cues - Beautiful, brilliant.
            Dan Shelton the man - I don't know him, but has always seemed nice enough reading his posts. Knowledgable when it comes to making cues, and prepared to help and offer advise where he can. Genuine.
            Dan Shelton the businessman - (currently) not good at all. Very poor customer service. After reading what has been posted above, verging on con man. (Note I am certainly NOT calling or insinuating this, I am voicing what I would feel, based on the stories of others from this thread).

            I have no idea why you mention my name in the above post, I have nothing at all to do with Dan.


            • Originally Posted by trevs1 View Post
              I have no idea why you mention my name in the above post, I have nothing at all to do with Dan.
              Sorry Trevor. I thought he mentioned you advising Him in a different thread.

              My mistake.
              If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!


              • Your work is quite nice!

                Hello Everyone!

                Mr. Shelton
                Could you please provide your contact? I'd love to inquire about commissioning your work.




                • Originally Posted by nineout View Post
                  Hello Everyone!

                  Mr. Shelton
                  Could you please provide your contact? I'd love to inquire about commissioning your work.


                  think you should read this whole thread mate u might be waiting awhile


                  • Hi guys.
                    Has anyone had their cue yet?just wondering how the quuality is.didn't adr say his was coming this week?


                    • Iv had updayes from dan.seems strange hs iss only responding to some people,,,?did any cues show up whem expected w


                      • When was your most recent update jonny


                        • Not sure.tuesday i think.just reply to an email i sent him


                          • Dan Shelton Update

                            Hi all.
                            I went to see Dan yesterday, for a small service on my Shelton cue, as well as to catch up with his situation.
                            As probably you all know he has got his workshop in place but not completely in best layout or full working order.
                            I think that Dan, after his last eight months, may want to change his TSF moniker to "Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong"!
                            As previously mentioned Dan had started to work on customer's cues and was working on one when a piece of equipment broke.
                            Also his home PC has packed up as well.
                            To throw in another idiom - "it never rains but it pours".
                            He showed me all the cues he has for customer's, rattling off names for each one (proper names usually so not relating to me with TSF monikers), but there were about a dozen and even I can see that many are so close to being finished.
                            I know that many people have said Dan has come up with another excuse again but my impression is a man in the s$$t, family-wise, career-wise, and (most important to those here ) cuemaking-wise and trying hard to get back on his feet but with little resources to make it happen quicker.
                            Because his pc is broken, he cannot get to his records and contact his customers but he has asked me to publish his email address for his customers to contact him and he will respond from his work pc (note that Facebook is blocked by company policy).
                            dans at imw dot uk dot com
                            Note this is for existing customers ONLY and NOT FOR ANY NEW ORDERS PLEASE, like he got from his Facebook last time .
                            I am sure that this email will attract much attention and I hope it helps those caught up in this situation, just like me and my new cue has not even been started yet
                            My impression is that Dan really loves making cues and is desperate to get back to doing what he loves, he is not out to "screw" people over, and just from the service on my cue, he still has the touch.
                            FAO DocJ - I mentioned your "orange marks" on your red-white-checker cue, he was mystified and if you wish to get in contact he would like to help if he can.
                            Up the TSF! :snooker:


                            • Nice update DeanH, didn't realise he had work problems too, like you say "it never rains but it pours"
                              Good luck Dan, and can't wait to start seeing peoples pics of cues he produces again.


                              • out of curiosity did he give you a completion date??

