Originally Posted by Inoffthered
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I might just follow your lead. I did find a cue that I really liked years ago, it was machine made, I picked it up a knocked a fifty in with it and wanted to buy it, but the guy was asking silly money for it so I let it go. I met the guy a couple of years ago in a pub and asked him if he still had the cue and he said yes. Unfortunately he was still asking silly money. So I did not buy it. If I see him again I'll pay what ever he wants.
Not even close ........when is the next Millenium
Peter's New Year Resolution:
Get a cue i actually like , don't change the length , weight , tip diameter etc .
I'm only allowed to change the tip . [ Put a Kamui on , they are the nuts ]
Reckon he will break this resolution after one week !
Good luck in your eternal search for the Holy Grail .
See you in the new year for a few frames ........that's if you've got a cue !Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !
Seems to me that cazmac (and others) enjoy this whole business of trying a new cue, not quite getting on with it, then getting another...and another...
It's a cue addiction. But if you enjoy it, there's no problem. Good hobby.Oh, and that's a bad miss.