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Cue Advice? Driving me round the twist...

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  • Cue Advice? Driving me round the twist...

    Hi guys, new to this forum, and relatively new to snooker!

    I've been playing snooker for years on and off, never properly, just smash a few balls around.
    I've recently joined my local private club and would like to start playing at least 4 times a week, and hopefully get half decent!
    I've been in touch with Craftsman cues, and they recommend I get a Phoenix Machine spliced cue, 3/4.
    My budget is approx. £100, as explained to them.

    Just wanted some second thoughts from people? Will this cue last me during my beginner/amateur days? I want something to last at least a few years and will do more than the job.... I'm 6 ft. 2, so do require a slightly longer cue which is part of the reason the Phoenix range has been recommended to me.

    Kind regards,
    Craftsman custom cue - 58" long 3/4 jointed 9.5mm tip 18.5oz plain black ebony with ash shaft

  • #2
    Would help if I put the link LOL!
    And it's the one at the bottom, priced at £84

    Craftsman custom cue - 58" long 3/4 jointed 9.5mm tip 18.5oz plain black ebony with ash shaft


    • #3
      try as many cues as you can out (within your budget)see what spec feels right to you playing with it as every cue feels different etc etc....

      blind buying without trying them can be akin to buying one lucky dip on the lottery, ok you have a chance of it being a winner but much easier to find it isnt the one for you......


      • #4
        Looks ok mate, never seen one tho, if you can get to try it out it would be good


        • #5
          thanks for the reply mate.
          my area doesn't really have any shops - i've been to a snooker center this evening and tested a couple Cue Craft cues, played great with them, but they felt a tad grainy so was concerned they were old and been lying there for years? - They were priced @ £80 and £90 - didn't leave the shop very confident as they have also clearly been tested numerous amounts of times.....
          Craftsman custom cue - 58" long 3/4 jointed 9.5mm tip 18.5oz plain black ebony with ash shaft


          • #6
            i don't really want an 'average cue' really unsure what to do....
            Craftsman custom cue - 58" long 3/4 jointed 9.5mm tip 18.5oz plain black ebony with ash shaft


            • #7
              Hi Matt,

              I was in a similar position a few months ago, having returned to snooker after a break of about 15 years! I had a similar objective to you i.e. lots of practice to hopefully become a good player.

              While doing some research on cues I was using rack cues at the club so pretty much anything would have been an improvement. I strongly believe in the saying 'buy cheap, buy twice' so opted for a cue that was too good for my current standard and more than someone of my ability should be paying. I finally went for a 1pce Mike Woolridge shark cue in the end for £185 delivered and I am really glad I did.

              My advice (for what its worth) would be to push the boat out and spend a bit more now as you will save in the long run. To save for the extra cost, I would much rather play 3 times a week with the cue I have rather than 4 times a week with a cheaper cue.

              I bought a 'standard spec' cue without trying it and have had no problems. There is a lot of talk about getting something to your specs, and feels right. However for a beginner player ANY cue some from Mike Woolridge or other respected cue maker will feel right etc...

              A final thought...I'm reading an old Steve Davis book from the early 1980's, he is 6 ft. 2 like you and played to a reasonable standard with a 57" cue, so you probably will not need a 60"+ fishing rod

              Good luck mate.



              • #8
                I would go to ur club and try to find out from the rack cues which u prefer.

                Maybe take a tape measure and once u happy with one of those rack cues. Measure it specs and get a cue from craftsman in those specs. For weight it could be tricky to guess unless the rack cue is stamped.

                If u worried about grain. Check out maple, its much smoother cueing. I much prefer it


                • #9
                  Wow - awesome replies guys. sph, I really appreciate what your saying, but my fiancee would have my nuts if I spent £200 on a cue! Got 2k on a holiday left to pay! I'll just about get away with £100 Jaffa, thanks for that - I'm gonna have a phone around, there is actually one shop I totally forgot about so gonna have a nosey today!!!
                  Craftsman custom cue - 58" long 3/4 jointed 9.5mm tip 18.5oz plain black ebony with ash shaft


                  • #10
                    Matt Buying a cue can be problematic as everyone on the forum will tell you but you've got to start somewhere and you've made a good start by getting in touch with Craftsman. They have loads of cues and know what they're talking about. Plain ebony and machine spliced is fine to get you started. You don't have to spend a fortune on a fancy spliced hand made cue.
                    The cue that Craftsman have suggested looks fine to me but I notice it comes in a wide variety of specs so you need to pick the right specification for you and that's the difficult bit. As another poster has said don't think that cos you'r 6' 2" you need a long cue. Not the case unless you've got really long arms. Normally 57'5" to 58" is OK for most folk. Tip size is another thing to consider. I notice that one option is 9.3mm. Too small for a beginner IMO! You need to choose the weight as well! Most folk play with something around 17.5-18.0 ozs and I think you need to have a pretty good reason to go with one at 20 ozs. Would feel like a broom handle to me!!
                    Personnally, from the options provided from the drop down menu, I would go with 57.75"/ 17.75 ozs/ 9.8mm tip unless you got some reason for going with something different. eg, if you're a good accurate cueist you could probably easily play with a 9.5mm or smaller tip. Good luck!


                    • #11
                      As usual some good advice has been posted, and I agree you should certainly not look at a tip below 9.5 mm
                      or weight above 18.5 oz. Not sure how far you live from Craftsman in Leeds but would be a worth a trip
                      there as you can try before you buy. I can recommend them and your'll get fixed up for your budget.
                      good luck...


                      • #12
                        I've been to my local small sports shop today and have been introduced to the Perodan Joe Davis cue a 3/4.

                        He's gone down to £105, but now I get home I see I can get it online for approx £90....?

                        I am SO unsure what to do! Leeds is a bit of a treck for me!!
                        Craftsman custom cue - 58" long 3/4 jointed 9.5mm tip 18.5oz plain black ebony with ash shaft


                        • #13
                          very tempting Bigmeek - just so baffled by everything... Perodan sounds like a fantastic brand - not sure where Phoenix are made?
                          Craftsman custom cue - 58" long 3/4 jointed 9.5mm tip 18.5oz plain black ebony with ash shaft


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Matt Dunn View Post
                            I've been to my local small sports shop today and have been introduced to the Perodan Joe Davis cue a 3/4.

                            He's gone down to £105, but now I get home I see I can get it online for approx £90....?

                            I am SO unsure what to do! Leeds is a bit of a treck for me!!
                            did you manage to get the specs of the cue??? (weight, length, tip size butt diameter, balance point???)

                            and where roughly are you? people on here may have ideas of places for you to go to more local that you might not know of


                            • #15
                              yeah, it was 18 oz, 58" long, approx 9mm tip. not sure re. balance point.... :s
                              I'm in Southport, north Merseyside/Lancashire....
                              Craftsman custom cue - 58" long 3/4 jointed 9.5mm tip 18.5oz plain black ebony with ash shaft

