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*Cue and Case wanted for Cancer Charity Fundraiser*

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  • *Cue and Case wanted for Cancer Charity Fundraiser*

    I'm looking towards you big-hearted forum members to help me and my friends raise £30,000 for Cancer Research. Long story short, two of my very best friends Nick and Chris King have taken it upon themselves to raise a huge amount of money to aid in cancer research. Chris has battled and beaten cancer twice and their dad Vaughn King sadly lost his battle with cancer a few years ago. The lads had their very first fun day to raise money for cancer research last year, where they raised over £11,000 in one single day. This year the target is £30,00 and I am helping doing my bit, and I am hoping members of TSF could help me out. I am hoping that one of you fantastic cue makers (or better still a few of you) can donate a cue and case for us to use as a prize in a snooker tournament. Checkout their website for all the relevant information. There will be some great publicity for anyone who gets involved...everyone has been touched by cancer (another friend of mine died from cancer on Friday) C'mon TSF let's help fight cancer together. If anyone has anyway that they can contribute or help us reach our target I will be forever grateful.

    One of you cue makers must have a cue that you would be willing to part with to raise money for a bloody good cause.
    Pinpoint, Pause, Pullback, Pause, Pot.

  • #2
    *Dave Buswell of Mastercraft cues comes to the rescue of VK LEGENDS charity fun day*

    Dave Buswell of Mastercraft cues has kindly come to the rescue of the VK Legends charity snooker tournament to be held at the Atack Snooker Center in Nuneaton. He has kindly derided to donate one of his custom cues and also a case as 1st prize in our charity snooker tournament.

    Once Dave heard about our aim to raise £30,000 in one day for Cancer Research he wasted no time at all in contacting me and offering to help us by donating a cue and case.

    We urge other cue manufacturers to get involved and help us fight cancer. You can get in contact with me through TSF IM facility, or you can contact VK legends direct at

    Pinpoint, Pause, Pullback, Pause, Pot.


    • #3
      *Dave Buswell of Mastercraft cues comes to the rescue of VK LEGENDS charity fun day*

      Dave Buswell of Mastercraft cues has kindly come to the rescue of the VK Legends charity snooker tournament to be held at the Atack Snooker Center in Nuneaton. He has kindly derided to donate one of his custom cues and also a case as 1st prize in our charity snooker tournament.

      Once Dave heard about our aim to raise £30,000 in one day for Cancer Research he wasted no time at all in contacting me and offering to help us by donating a cue and case.

      We urge other cue manufacturers to get involved and help us fight cancer. You can get in contact with me through TSF IM facility, or you can contact VK legends direct at

      Pinpoint, Pause, Pullback, Pause, Pot.


      • #4
        Strong smell of FRAUD ! Onus on you to prove otherwise...


        • #5

          Thanks for your comment on my post. To be honest I don't blame you for your comment, as there are a lot of con men around these days, and everyone wants something for nothing...However, you will be glad to know that my request for a cue and case has already been fulfilled by the management team of one of the UK's leading manufacturers of hand made cues. (Dave Buswell of Mastercraft cues) This is for a cause that is very dear to my heart, and the organizer of this event Chris King. Chris has personally battled cancer and won twice, however his father was not as fortunate and lost his battle with cancer.

          I see from your profile that you reside in Singapore, and it's obvious from your comment that you have Internet access...please feel free to contact Chris King at he will happily alay any fears you or any other members of TSF have with regards to the authenticity and honourability of my request and the reason behind it.

          Once you have spoken to Chris and had your fears allayed we urge you, as you obviously feel as passionately about this subject as we do to make a donation to the fantastic event in the name of VK Legends. You can do this by going to
          Pinpoint, Pause, Pullback, Pause, Pot.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by liliput View Post
            Strong smell of FRAUD ! Onus on you to prove otherwise...

            On what are you basing your accusation of fraud on ?
            Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


            • #7
              There is no need for you to defend me. Cancer has affected all of us in some way either directly or indirectly. I am relatively new to TSF so I can see Liliputs point of view, however if they had taken the time to do a little due diligence before shooting his (or her ) mouth off then neither of us would need to defend such a worth cause. I only hope that Liliput has the decency to publicly apologize in the same manner that he chose to question my honesty and posting on this feed. However something tells me that they won't be as forthcoming with an appology as they were with their accusation.
              Pinpoint, Pause, Pullback, Pause, Pot.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Manny101 View Post
                I'm looking towards you big-hearted forum members to help me and my friends raise £30,000 for Cancer Research. Long story short, two of my very best friends Nick and Chris King have taken it upon themselves to raise a huge amount of money to aid in cancer research. Chris has battled and beaten cancer twice and their dad Vaughn King sadly lost his battle with cancer a few years ago. The lads had their very first fun day to raise money for cancer research last year, where they raised over £11,000 in one single day. This year the target is £30,00 and I am helping doing my bit, and I am hoping members of TSF could help me out. I am hoping that one of you fantastic cue makers (or better still a few of you) can donate a cue and case for us to use as a prize in a snooker tournament. Checkout their website for all the relevant information. There will be some great publicity for anyone who gets involved...everyone has been touched by cancer (another friend of mine died from cancer on Friday) C'mon TSF let's help fight cancer together. If anyone has anyway that they can contribute or help us reach our target I will be forever grateful.

                One of you cue makers must have a cue that you would be willing to part with to raise money for a bloody good cause.
                Hi Manny,

                I bought a couple of cues from ebay (The seller is a poster), they were autographed cues, brand new but you wouldnt use them to beat the cat with ! One is signed by Higgins, Robertson, Stevens & Jimmy. If you want this one to raffle/auction let me know.

                Cancer is a terrible thing that has blighted my family, so anything to help mate.


                • #9

                  Cancer has blighted more people than it should, and we all need to get together to cure this indiscriminate killer. Anything that you can do to help raise money for Cancer Research UK is more than appreciated and welcomed. I gratefully accept your generous donation on behalf of VK Legends. If you have any queries about anything feel free to contact Chris King at I will PM you to sort out delivery of the cue. Thank you on behalf of VK Legends and Cancer Research UK.
                  Pinpoint, Pause, Pullback, Pause, Pot.


                  • #10
                    Major Red Flag Spotted immediately:

                    Nowhere in the post mentions what happens when more than 1 cue is donated and there is only one winner. What if there are 30, 50, 120 cues donated? There be 30, 50,120 winners? Return to owner? Sell it and do what with the proceeds? Where are the controls in place to ensure that the cues and probable monies that come along will not be misappropriated?

                    And what's with 'fantastic cue makers' ? Must it be a snooker cue deemed valuable?

                    Such information as the above (esp first paragraph) is to be made public with clarity in your post request. Giving an email address and posting links to a webpage gives only minimal and/or supporting credibility at most. It is YOUR request post; onus is on you to make a level of assurance on the validity of your request to correspond to the level of authentication needed, before the reader subsequently proceed to your links for further verification.

                    In short, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. How may I find your post credible when such an essential piece of information is missing at first instance?

                    Nowhere in your post shows that the donation drive for cues is legit beyond any and MY reasonable doubt, hence strong smell of fraud…NOT definitely fraud.

                    Before you go rebutting that I was shooting my mouth off, you may want to review your half-past six post based on my reasons above.

                    Regards, and all the best to your donation drive if it is legit, it is for a good cause at face value


                    • #11
                      I think you're the only person on the forum who would concieve that it may not be legitimate.

                      Since you were so quick to jump to thoughts of fraud, it might be equally presumptious of me to summise that you yourself might be the kind of person who would look to defraud tradesmen on the pretence of some false chairty.

                      Being one of the millions who has lost someone close to them through cancer and also knowing Manny personally, I am sickened by your needless attack on his character... What on earth were you hoping to achieve by doing so?


                      • #12
                        Thanks Jack,

                        Some people eh?

                        The tournament is on the 6th May at the Atack (Sunday) same day at the fun day, I hope you can find time in your hectic schedule to put in an appearance...however if you happen to win it Liliput will obviously besmirch your character too :0
                        Pinpoint, Pause, Pullback, Pause, Pot.


                        • #13
                          30 posts in 10 months and then you decide to write 2 on this thread . I can only assume you are a very suspicious person or have never lost anyone to cancer .

                          Another member has now backed up the original poster.......oh ...hang on ......they could both be in on it
                          Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Manny101 View Post
                            There is no need for you to defend me. Cancer has affected all of us in some way either directly or indirectly. I am relatively new to TSF so I can see Liliputs point of view, however if they had taken the time to do a little due diligence before shooting his (or her ) mouth off then neither of us would need to defend such a worth cause. I only hope that Liliput has the decency to publicly apologize in the same manner that he chose to question my honesty and posting on this feed. However something tells me that they won't be as forthcoming with an appology as they were with their accusation.
                            No problem mate.....just don't like people getiing grief for doing unpaid Charity work for a very well worthy cause . Too many people seem to think it's fine to sit behind a keyboard and accuse people of things . All big and brave hidden away at home
                            Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by neil taperell View Post
                              30 posts in 10 months and then you decide to write 2 on this thread . I can only assume you are a very suspicious person or have never lost anyone to cancer .

                              Another member has now backed up the original poster.......oh ...hang on ......they could both be in on it
                              Maybe you're behind the whole thing Neil! Lol what a muppet. Great cause, all the best fundraising.
                              "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.

