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handmade ??? probably not !!!

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  • Good post Cueman. Think that summarises things very well.


    • ok so let see, as stated 3 years ago there where two people who i was informed practice this system of badging cues, these are two guys who barley know, apart from the odd chat with one of them, they are both guys who have made a massive impact on the uk cue making trade, there reputations wre biult up through hard work before the opertunity came along to intraduce the thai cues in to there busineeses, whether i agree or not with what they do is perry clear here, i can only assume passion has been replaced by money which i suppose i am in a way jelous off
      now i have opened a can of worms here, one that has been opened many times before, and i have put jason in a nasty position, something i dont regret, but certainly do not take pleasure out of and i feel to leave this thread now after bringing just one guy down a little would be a very personal thing, something i would not be hapy about for sure !
      so here it is "page 30 of this thread" post number 292 ! i belive that over the last 3 years, people have and will continue to use the internet to develop undeserved accolade for using imported cues and simply badging them as so, this in my opinion is wrong, you may have your own opinion and for that i fully understand, now there are a number of people here that would love to shoot down certain cuemaker soley for there own perpouses and they are more than welcome to do this, thats there own issue, i am man enough to realise that to try shooting down the two big fish i refer to would not be pretty for me, bearing in mind i am at an early stage of my cuemaking life.
      but as for the others that i suspect (or know for sure with some) i will hapily share my thoughts as this is something that affects me and my future !
      i have seen thai cues with no attempt to hide the fact of what they are sold on this forum by, raymond, and andy travis, i also suspet another maker but have not looked personally at there cues, so i geuss thats a thread for the future ?

      there are a few people here that fully belive that the end product is what counts to them, and to a certain degree a i geuss there right, better a good cue than crap cue irespective of the cues history...

      my own thoughts are that, i peronaly could never ever sell a cue no matter of its quality at a fair price if i put an honest badge in to that cue, something that is wrong, and something that i will continue doing because i feel so stongly about it, so if my preassure works then these guys will either start making 100% handmade cues and price them at there real value, wich right or wrong is in your benifit, if they are incompetant and use these cues through the fact that they cant make genuine cues then i geuss they may end up with honest badges inserted in there cues (something that would compeete with my custom cues so hopefully not) !

      either way i feel that the time is right to soot down this practice because as ive stated, we now have 6 instead of two and if left another 3 years i probably would not have enough bullets !

      this is an open forum, and i realy wish that this had came from a customer and not me but it is clear that this was never going to hapen in that way, i have stated that there is nothing aimed at the standard of work, as i know as well as anyone how each cue is different, i welcome any of you guys to jion in this thread to defend yourselves or try justifying the way or reasons you choose to do this, and in a way it may help to prove just how difficult this trade can be preassure wise and financially ?

      i wont be running away from here, i will remain and answer questions however difficult they become, but i am only going to talk about the one subject, that being "thai cues with handmade badges"
      Last edited by crispian jones; 26 July 2013, 11:47 AM.


      • i wont be running away from here, i will remain and answer questions however difficult they become, but i am only going to talk about the one subject, that being "thai cues with handmade badges"

        Original Source:
        - TSF -
        This is is all a bit subjective really one man's definition of "handmade" is clearly different from another's, at least these guys produce decent cues that people rave about, regardless of the source material and the original state.

        I assume that by definition any power tools used when making a cue mean it cannot be handmade, therefore a true handmade cue can only be made with hand tools?


        • Originally Posted by Maxsys View Post
          This is is all a bit subjective really one man's definition of "handmade" is clearly different from another's, at least these guys produce decent cues that people rave about, regardless of the source material and the original state.

          I assume that by definition any power tools used when making a cue mean it cannot be handmade, therefore a true handmade cue can only be made with hand tools?
          theres always one eh ?


          • You started the thread Crispian not me, open forum, opinions and all that.......


            • you would need very sharp finger nails to not use a handplane - either that or just oredr your cues with the lower splices added


              • This thread is confusing lots of innuendo -

                Can I just ask which cue makers use 100 per cent sourced materials (from UK only) selecting British sourced shafts and then splice and do all the work (themselves) in the UK as professional cue maker apart from Trevor White?


                • did you realy think the big boys were going to stand up and admit to this crispian,i will add a bit more fuel then,in my opinion you can turn a thai cue into a finished item in prob 1 hr and sell for £250-300 , now to me thats one of a hell of a hourly rate and prob been going on for a great number of years.


                  • Originally Posted by Byrom View Post
                    This thread is confusing lots of innuendo -

                    Can I just ask which cue makers use 100 per cent sourced materials (from UK only) selecting British sourced shafts and then splice and do all the work (themselves) in the UK as professional cue maker apart from Trevor White?
                    i can safly say i do !


                    • Crispian you have admitted to being jealous of the three guys you mentioned but
                      in an earlier post stated this was not why you started this thread, That appears
                      inconsistent to me.

                      Also to name these guys but be scared to name the big two as you say makes you look


                      • Lets get back on track a cue for X do hardly anything to it and charge XXXXXXXXXXXX and then say it was totally handmade in the UK .

                        That's what this thread is about .
                        Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                        • that was in my post previous neil,prob not as you put


                          • Originally Posted by renzie67 View Post
                            Crispian you have admitted to being jealous of the three guys you mentioned but
                            in an earlier post stated this was not why you started this thread, That appears
                            inconsistent to me.

                            Also to name these guys but be scared to name the big two as you say makes you look
                            yellow maybe but i have addmited that too, ive not set up a fake account to do this, ive not hiden my frustraition in any way at all
                            your welcome to pick away as much as you like about my morals ect, but its all off my chest now, something i am happy about to be honest, now as ive stated other people have different agendas and would probably love to try shooting down the two i am not brave enough to try too myself, but im not here to do that for them, i am simply trying to pick on the guys who in my opinion are at a simular stage to me !

                            now this is always going to have mixed opinions so why dont one of you guys start another thread "is crispian a ****** or not" ???
                            you can have pleanty of fun with that one


                            • as to one of earlier posts about shafts,i have said in other posts that i buy the cue dowells to make my cues which i buy in uk where the supplier gets them from ive no idea does that make my cues not handmade


                              • handmade ??? probably not !!!

                                by the same token if joints are sourced from abroad, which a lot are?
                                Its not how well you play its how good you look playing that counts!

