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Green Baize Champion series cue

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  • #31
    Judging by the cost of cues from Thailand at the moment I think wages and conditions have improved.

    Quality of the shafts is very good.

    Personally I like to have more Ebony on a butt than those designs Stuart.

    I like the Humbug design one you have for that reason, Craftsman also use the humbug on their Thai imports.

    Good luck with them


    • #32
      Originally Posted by snookerfan147 View Post
      "These are Louis's cues from Thailand - pretty sure these cues have been around for a while - looks like they supply Mike Wooldridge too. I read about this at another forum ages ago".
      not sure you are right there mate. it would not be my guess. in this country they are really a case supplier.


      • #33
        I'm not naming the guy it's not him who is saying your full of crap GreenBaize it's me and I'm saying it to everyone because I saw photos of your "range" before you even announced it.

        He's not the sort of guy to call a spade a spade whereas I dont give a toss. In fact he does not really care anymore he's just happy he backed out of the deal he stuck up on the cues he designed as the ethics of these Asian sweat shop owners are as disgusting as the importers who sell them here at an extortionate mark up.

        From talking to him today:

        Your right Wity they are a rip off price. Not sure of the exact mark up but remember thinking at the time when we were going to launch the exact same cue range, that the prices were high.

        What disappointed me most of all was that I was stood in the sweatshop of a factory, which is in a real rough area outside Bangkok, in November 06 giving them advice about designs and how they should finish their cues! Next thing some of those very designs are being claimed to be someone Else's!

        Also crazy that we could have actually gone through with the our order and we'd have both had the same range of cues badged up as different brands!
        So what is your mark up then? 150% to 200% I'd guess or are you so ashamed you wont say.
        Last edited by Wity; 16 May 2008, 05:58 PM.


        • #34
          Originally Posted by Wity View Post
          I'm not naming the guy it's not him who is saying your full of crap GreenBaize it's me and I'm saying it to everyone because I saw photos of your "range" before you even announced it.

          He's not the sort of guy to call a spade a spade whereas I dont give a toss. In fact he does not really care anymore he's just happy he backed out of the deal he stuck up on the cues he designed as the ethics of these Asian sweat shop owners are as disgusting as the importers who sell them here at an extortionate mark up.

          So what is your mark up then? 150% to 200% I'd guess or are you so ashamed you wont say.
          Wow where did all this come from ???
          I said I could take some criticism, but thats a full on slagging, in fact slanderous !!
          I'm not going to get into a public forum argument or debate, anyone who knows me including your friend and mine knows me better than me being under hand.
          It's a bold post to make without knowing all the facts.


          • #35
            Anyone can google and find out the average wage within manufacturing in Thailand.

            Anyone can by asking questions in the right place can discover such cues as this £265 one are imported for about £100 including taxes and freight.

            I can prove this photo I attatch was taken prior to 21/2 07 before your announced launch in your post of 30/3/07 here at the tsf. the owner probably long before feb as he visited the factory in Nov 96.

            Not 100% proof it's not of a cue you claim now to have designed nor his design admitedly.

            £265 for a cue that costs around £100 is a rip off in my book If that's slander so be it, sue me. otherwise stick with you cop out of:
            "I'm not going to get into a public forum argument or debate.
            which is what forums ae for BTW and good luck selling them to the suckers saft enough to pay your prices.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Wity; 16 May 2008, 10:45 PM.


            • #36
              So wity

              You don't buy or own anything made in asia then.

              You must be sitting there naked on someone elses computer then.


              • #37
                I've nothing against asian cues, got a couple heRe and i've said before they can make them as good as anyone. What I object to is cowboys labelling them up as their own, refusing to tell punters who makes them and charging £265 for a £100 cue.


                • #38
                  All I can say is that I bought a Green Baize Champion range cue from Stuart few days back.And I must admit it is one of the best cue that I have owned.It has got a very good feel to it and the finish on the cue is as good as Parris,Woolridge or Trevor white and most importantly it plays well.

                  I totally oppose Wity's opinion.Each and every cue retailer in the market looks for profit.Whats wrong with it?All cuemakers have such sort of margins which Wity is talking about.

                  There are no magic ingredients in a cue that only a UK based cuemaker can put in a cue.

                  Infact if I would have gone for such a cue from Woolridge,Parris or Trevor White it would have cost me atleast 150 pounds or more for the same thing.
                  Last edited by sunny3909; 17 May 2008, 03:41 PM.
                  My deep screw shot


                  • #39
                    its not £100 a cue though is it - its plus vat, plus import duty, plus shop overheads, plus delivery costs etc. plus everybody has a right to make a living.


                    • #40
                      Originally Posted by sunny3909 View Post
                      Infact if I would have gone for such a cue from Woolridge,Parris or Trevor White it would have cost me atleast 150 pounds or more for the same thing.
                      You should have looked in here and on Mikes site then as he was knocking them out at £100 recently.


                      • #41
                        Thanks guys , glad you like the cue Sunny .
                        Wity if you would like to phone me about this feel free, but like I said in my previous post I won't get involved in a needless debate.
                        Yes you have some facts and part of a story but thats it, there is much more you don't know.


                        • #42
                          Originally Posted by Wity View Post
                          I've nothing against asian cues, got a couple heRe and i've said before they can make them as good as anyone. What I object to is cowboys labelling them up as their own, refusing to tell punters who makes them and charging £265 for a £100 cue.
                          Stuart Green told me the very first day that I asked him about these cues that he got them made from Bangkok.He never claimed that they were made in UK.He is very straight forward & honest in his answers & he rarely sugarcoates
                          My deep screw shot


                          • #43
                            Sunny, go read post Number 19 and 20 which were the reason I chipped in.

                            Tell you what lets just drop it. Who designed them is irelevant. no ones patented the designs so they are free to be copied and what Stuart charges for them is a matter between him and his customers. I imagine they are very good and a lot cheaper than most uk makers would charge but considering where they are made I think they are expensive.
                            End of.


                            • #44
                              Designs can and are copied a lot.

                              Luckily with many veneers and woods we can always find new ones:

                              If you could patent a design that would be great, can I register this one please before it get's copied.

                              Last edited by BITTER; 17 May 2008, 05:27 PM.


                              • #45
                                hey you copied me on those cues mate i might sue.....

