If you read my thread I was talking about Tony Glover - not Tony Ions - I have no dispute with the fact that Tony Ions produces the best copies, regretably I've never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I'm sure that anyone who can produce copies to that standard should be considered amongst the elite of the worlds' cuemakers; but I did mention Tony Glover by name in the thread, so guess we're at cross purposes
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looking for a custom cue not too pricey
was not meant to be cheeky. to see if you have a good base for your opinion - you appear to know your cues so if you have seen lets say 5 or more i will think i need to take a look at one. whereas to be honest if you have only seen one or never seen one its a strange comment.
Originally Posted by ADR147 View Postwas not meant to be cheeky. to see if you have a good base for your opinion - you appear to know your cues so if you have seen lets say 5 or more i will think i need to take a look at one. whereas to be honest if you have only seen one or never seen one its a strange comment.
i didnt take it as being cheeky.
so you believe he is an excellent cuemaker but you have never seen one of his cues?.actually not having seen one of his cues that puts you in the same group as the rest of us!
Just because you haven't seen one of my cues doesn't give you the right to assume that others haven't - I would guess that I've been in this business a lot longer than you and I'd never heard of you before joining the forum - Ask John Parris, Will Hunt or Robert Osborne - you really seem to be trying to provoke an argument, just because I won't supply you doesn't mean that you have to try to start some kind of vendetta over the net. Like I said before, I don't know you and judging by your comments don't want to either !!!!!!!!!!!!www.cuemaker.co.uk
what is wrong with my comments? its a perfectly reasonable question to ask?.
1. I have never seen on of your cues so have not commented on them at all for all i know they could be fanastic.
2. Nobody I have asked personally in the cue world has seen one either.
now there are all sorts of reasons why this might happen but you would have to admit that is is strange that people who buy sell and repair cues and have done for many many years have never come across one.
maybe try asking the same people if they have heard of me.......
also i did not ask you to supply me and i have no vendetta with anybody. feel free to read any comment i have posted anywhere and if its not reasonable and fair i am happy to retract it. can you say the same?
Quite frankly this thread is going no-where, you clearly believe that the cue world revolves around you, your knowledge and your time in the business. I assumed that you knew all about me then and are aware of my cuemaking attachment with Matchroom and their players throughout the '80s - ask Checkside - his father had a cue off me 25 years ago and I've just made a new one for him - like I said earlier I hadn't any reason to pass judgement or form an opinion of you, and believe the best in people and even go out of my way to help people in this business and teach them how to make cues - but regrettably you've succeeded where others haven't and managed to get me to form an opinion of you without even meeting you. As someone has just pm'd me ' I get the feeling ADR isn't one of your biggest fans' - quite frankly I don't care about your opinions and will do my best to make sure you never get hold of one of my cues; I'll just let you get on with your inflated opinion of yourself and lets close this on the basis that neither of us likes the other, and leave it like that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!www.cuemaker.co.uk
what makes you think i have an inflated opinion of myself? i am not the one who joined a forum to educate the masses!!!
Sooner or later I will locate one of your cues why would you have a problem with that?
I neither like or dislike you keith, all the unpleasent comments made have been by you. I have just taken the time to re-read all are posts maybe you should do the same, it makes interesting reading.