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Billiards - Potting Method

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
    I dont think his method involves the imagination of a ghost ball.
    I think it is about associating the angle with a distance from the center of the ball, so the visualization is 2-D rather than 3-D.
    You know like you can aim a 3/4 ball as being 1/4 from the edge from the object ball, and a 1/4 ball also as being 1/4 of a ball from the edge of the ball, just a mirror image of the former.
    So, if you memorize the angles, which are 2-D, then you can just automatically tell which reference point on the object ball you need to aim. Basically, each angle is related to a distance from the center of the object ball or from the edge of the object ball. It is not about trying to stand behind the ball, think of a ghost ball, and then shoot at this ghost ball.
    May be his method is completely something else, but if it is a maths thing, I think it would be something like what i just said.
    But isnt this Steve Davis method of the halfball,quarterball method?

    Anyway what I really want to know is if 9outof10 is making any money out of this scam? After 10 years of internet this type of selling still works?


    • #32
      Hold it...HOLD IT!!!!

      First of all everyone is assuming people are having a difficult time finding the correct potting angle. 99.9% OF SHOTS ARE MISSED DUE TO INCORRECT (crooked cue) DELIVERY... NOT THAT THE PLAYER GUESSED THE POINT OF AIM INCORRECTLY.

      This person (9outof10) with this 'NEW' method sounds one hell of a lot like a fellow from down-under who in TheSnookerGym has come up with a couple of revolutionary(?) methods for getting to the right line of aim and one of them involved calculating a pile of numbers. (He took great exception to me calling his approach to the shot similar to a 'tap dance' and I recommended 'keep it as simple as possible - always use the KISS principle in snooker).

      I'm sorry folks, the brain of anyone who has played snooker for a little while has absolutey no problem determining the correct potting angle as it's just the point on the object ball furthest away from the part of the pocket opening you want to hit. People seem to be determined to blame them missing a pot on the fact that they're having trouble getting the correct line of aim...BULLFEATHERS!!!! (I don't think I can swear on here or else I would, heartily).

      YOU DIDN'T DELIVER THE CUE STRAIGHT MATE!!!!!! That's it, end of story.

      As to why 9outof10 has seen some improvement the answer is very, very simple. One of the theories to improving at snooker is an idea Nic Barrow calls 'parking your brain' and Del Hill calls 'the player's dummy' and I call getting into the 'zone' where you seem to be able to pot balls and get position without even thinking about it (like driving the car to work every day and not thinking about directions).

      If every player had a method where they can occupy their brain (the concious mind) with something and have their unconcious mind in control we would all improve. That's the purpose of my 'closed eye drill' to get the player to sense what the right hand is doing because that's where all the problems are and that's why players soon get to a point where they can pot a set shot better with their eyes closed than with them open!

      So if anyone here wants to invest (AU)$4.95 to get the goods on 9outof10's 'NEW' method of sighting then please go ahead as it's a cheap way to learn how to park the brain (somewhere).

      But let me ask 9outof10 this one silly question...How is it I can get a player to pot a 10ft off-straight shot more consistently with his eyes closed than with his eyes open. How is it even conceivable that player needs something to IMPROVE his ability to 'see' the correct line of aim when I can teach him to pot by 'seeing' the correct line of aim when he is standing behind the shot and then closing his eyes and shooting.


      There...I've said my piece and that's it baby!!!!!

      Terry Davidson
      IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


      • #33
        I think 9outof10 has realised that we have all proved him wrong and it was basically a con and I can't see him coming back.


        • #34
          Originally Posted by Marlboro View Post
          But isnt this Steve Davis method of the halfball,quarterball method?
          Yes, I think it's basically the same thing.
          I have read an article in which they have a formula so they can pot a graph in relation with the angles, and it comes with a table stating like, if the angle is 30 degree than you should aim 2 1/4 inches from the center of the ball and things like that. I think it is a sin(function) equation that they use. And for thin cuts they subtract the angles by 90 degree so they aim at an imaginary ball placed next to the object ball and aim as if it was a thick cut.
          If a computer was to play snooker may be that is the kind of thing the programmer would use, but for a human being, this is not a replacement for practice in my opinion.
          For me personally, the biggest problem with aiming is an "illusion" formed by the cushions, or the "blind pockets" which makes the angles look either bigger or smaller than what they actually are.
          My solution is a dumb one, I just practice those shots until I am comfortable with them.
          The other biggest problem especially in long pots or cushion shots is that my cue ball does not go where I want it to go, but that is not an aiming issue, it is a mechanic problem.
          Last edited by poolqjunkie; 6 September 2009, 05:45 PM.


          • #35
            I have read an article in which they have a formula so they can pot a graph in relation with the angles, and it comes with a table stating like, if the angle is 30 degree than you should aim 2 1/4 inches from the center of the ball and things like that.
            I make that look like a Chimp had a calculator..

            Yes it is similar to the quarter ball method. It uses the relationship between that style of aim and the deflection of the object ball. It uses the result of a simple equation that once spotted gives you the true line of aim for all angles. And I know it works, I went from 20s weeks ago to 86 today. Well on my way to 100 as stated earlier - as they say winners are grinners and the rest can get f**ked. Haha.

            As for anyone saying, "Hey buddy, you weren't delivering the cue straight.", I say, hope you're not a coach diagnosing problems that you can't even see. It's pretty simple, if you were aiming right they would be in. For an average person, holding a straight cue action for at least 30 shots shouldn't be a problem. I'm not targeting new players, as stated, I'm after the guys that put in hours a day but never work it out. You guys are just half wits, that can't work anything out for themselves, living small lives who think your opinion counts. God bless the net.

            The whole thing will pop up again in about 6 months when all the proof is formatted and the results from players is in.

            My only advice is to keep pushing this topic up because the longer it stays at the top, the more people I get.

            Peace. Haha.
            Last edited by 9outof10; 15 September 2009, 10:44 AM.


            • #36

              With improvement like that, I'd say you should win the World's in a couple of months.

              I do diagnose problems, but I also see them quite plainly and once they're corrected the player does play better and more consistently. I still say sighting and aiming is not the problem.

              Get back to us when you do win the World's and have some proof this 'system' of yours actually works.

              Terry Davidson
              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


              • #37
                and have some proof this 'system' of yours actually works
                Wasn't that like the whole point of this.. Do you people actually read or what?

                And also I say, my advice is a bit better than some idiot saying, "Calm the conscious mind.." Haha.. Thats how easy the game you devoted your entire life to really is.. That's sad.
                Last edited by 9outof10; 15 September 2009, 11:50 AM.


                • #38
                  I believe Terry has the right of this, I've tried his closed eyes -method and I pot very well, and even if it doesn't sound too convincing, anyone inconsistent should try it out. For years I thought I could not see the potting angles correctly, and tried to find some wonderful magical way to do it, but the trouble was actually in my cueing, something was causing compensation. So if there's a pot/angle you tend to miss, ask someone to watch if your cue is running straight. Although, if anyone was selling me a way to make my cue go 100% straight every time, I'd buy that for a dollar .


                  • #39
                    something was causing compensation
                    Not something, part of you was fighting for the real shot but you were aiming where you thought you should. You have to bring the two together.

                    That's what I have overcome. I can tell you how to consciously see where that - "I can just see it, I know I've got this one.", is.

                    Once you jump over that, then you TRULY know where to aim.

                    Two ways to do, hours upon hours and years upon years to blast it into you. Or know the cheat.
                    Last edited by 9outof10; 15 September 2009, 12:09 PM.


                    • #40

                      First of all, please don't call me an idiot as I really take offence and if I ever meet you face-to-face I might want to make some corrections to your perceptions of me, and you wouldn't like that at all.

                      Secondly, you haven't ever produced any proof your 'system' works, just your word, and although you might be the most honest bloke in the world, we don't know you, do we?.

                      The system I teach is from TheSnookerGym and Nic Barrow has proof that system works plus an endorsement from who almost everyone considers is the best player in the world right now, Ronnie O'Sullivan.

                      Why don't you get some endorsements from good players who use your 'system' and publish them? Nothing like a good endorsement to boost your sales

                      Terry Davidson
                      IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                      • #41
                        This was a screw up post.
                        Last edited by 9outof10; 15 September 2009, 12:39 PM.


                        • #42
                          Sorry for calling you an idiot.. Below me, sorry.. I would really like someone in the know to hear the idea and give a opinion but, it has worked so simply for me and the people I know that I am guarded in exactly how much I give away.. I am honest and from the people that joined the experiment I didn't charge any money in the end. That was just a, "Hey I found it, I want something for it."

                          Sales and marketing is not my forte and I pretty much screwed this but I will assure you that it is something of significance and if you could email me at I would like to discuss the guts of it.

                          Eh, I'll put out a hand..


                          • #43
                            Can you pot the straight blue on the spot with the white on the balk line 10 out of 10 times?


                            • #44
                              Originally Posted by Marlboro View Post
                              Can you pot the straight blue on the spot with the white on the balk line 10 out of 10 times?
                              steve davis said in one of his videos that if you could pot the blue off the spot from the baulk line and in off the cue ball into the same pocket 10 out of 10 times , then you could be a world champion.
                              RIP NOEL, A TRUE TSF LEGEND.


                              • #45
                                i find it easier to pot the blue off the spot and screw it back into the opposite pocket.
                                RIP NOEL, A TRUE TSF LEGEND.

