Set up a blue on the spot and the cue ball about a foot away from the blue. Make sure they're aligned for a dead straight pot into the middle. Play it firm with top spin and as much right hand side as you dare. The aim is to make the blue go dead centre pocket and have the white follow dead centre pocket. Its tough, right? I know if I make the blue dead centre the white cant possibly follow the blue in, it follows onto the cushion. This is because to make the blue centre pocket on a straight shot with right hand side you have to aim to miss the pocket and account for deflection a little. The white comes off wider and doesn't go in the pocket. This is all because of spin induced throw. Right side makes the blue throw to the left so you have to aim the blue at the right hand jaw of the pocket to throw it to centre pocket and the white either follows where you aimed the blue should hit the right jaw or even go further white if the set of balls you're using throw more.