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question for a reff

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  • #16
    Yeah thats right brown comes back of the knuckle and snookers on half the reds, the others are covered by the blue, so no red can be hit, blue and brown feet apart.


    • #17
      because the blue is covering reds its a fair snooker
      Last edited by LittleMissAlexa; 6 July 2012, 09:27 AM. Reason: typo
      Goddess Of All Things Cue Sports And Winner Of The 2012 German Masters and World Open Fantasy Games and the overall 2011-12 Fantasy Game


      • #18 that 100%


        • #19
          brown has to be covering all for it to be a foul
          Goddess Of All Things Cue Sports And Winner Of The 2012 German Masters and World Open Fantasy Games and the overall 2011-12 Fantasy Game


          • #20
            Originally Posted by buddfridgeman View Post
   that 100%

            Imagine this situation after a foul. Two reds left on the table. Red#1 is on the top cushion, then black then cue ball, then pink then red#2, all in a line along the cushion. You can nominate either pink or black and roll up to either, and it will be a fair shot. If you roll up to the black you are snookering on red#1 but *not* on #2, so therefore it's not a foul, and vice versa.


            • #21
              question for a reff

              the brown was behind the black blue top end of the table the player nominated the blue as the free ball but under hit the the white so the blue ended bouncing infront of the white sorry for the slow response am at work working


              • #22
                Thanks again , so to get this right if I had a free ball , two reds left one say over a bag completley coverd by the pink and the other in open play , I could roll up behind a nominated colour {green], leaving the only a red on which could not be hit because of the pink as the ball which makes this a legal shot...


                • #23
                  Yes, provided the colour you roll up to isn't also snookering you on the one behind the pink, because as I've said earlier, it is the ball closest to the cue ball which is considered to the the effective snookering ball. For there to be a foul, that nominated ball must be the ball which snookers you on *all* reds.


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by buddfridgeman View Post
                    Thanks again , so to get this right if I had a free ball , two reds left one say over a bag completley coverd by the pink and the other in open play , I could roll up behind a nominated colour {green], leaving the only a red on which could not be hit because of the pink as the ball which makes this a legal shot...
                    Why would you be given a Free Ball when there is a Red in "and the other in open play"? "Open Play" means it can be hit in a straight shot.
                    But essentially you are correct, forgetting the Red in "open Play", you can nominate the Green as the Free Ball but as IT IS NOT the snookering ball - the Pink in this case - NO foul.
                    Up the TSF! :snooker:


                    • #25
                      Hi , thanks but what i said was I had been awarded a free ball, which means a foul has been made and I can not hit a red..even if that is in open play i.g. not tied up like the one behind the pink,

                      I have been educated today thanks,


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by buddfridgeman View Post
                        Hi , thanks but what i said was I had been awarded a free ball, which means a foul has been made and I can not hit a red..even if that is in open play i.g. not tied up like the one behind the pink,

                        I have been educated today thanks,
                        So the third red is still obscured by another ball. OK.
                        So in your scenario, yes you can roll up to the Green as a nominated Free Ball, as long as the third red is not snooker by the Green at the end of you strike, as well as the other two (behind the Pink).
                        You have to take ALL reds into account when awarding Free Balls and judging snookers on them.
                        Up the TSF! :snooker:


                        • #27
                          question for a reff

                          rite same guy doing the ref 3 reds left on table 2 In between black and pink 3rd just to the left of the black on the cushion player pots the white so ball in hand about 3 inches from the pink the brown ball is there so u can not hit any side of the 3 reds from the D but he sed if he took the middle red i.e the red under the red in line wiv pink and black u could hit both sides of the red on the cushion but wen looking down the table u can only see the left side of all 3 reds because pink is covering the first 2 reds and the 2 reds are covering the 3rd red think hav explained it rite lol


                          • #28
                            Thanks Deanh,
                            got the idea now but still only two reds , one say between blue and black the other on the edge of the pocket pink on top of it and no way around, just been given a free ball, cant hit both sides of the red between black and blue and cant hit the one covered by the pink, so as I understand now it is fine to roll up behind lets say the green fully snookering on the open red but not snookering on the one over the bag , pink does this...good foul


                            • #29
                              One red cannot snooker you on another red, so yes, it is appropriate to discount the two reds between the pink and black in determining whether you can see both sides of the third red on the cushion, from all positions within the D.


                              • #30
                                question for a reff

                                ok thank you souwesterits the free ball one that got me mad last nite lol

