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how to contact trevor white

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by sbq79 View Post
    Pardon my ignorance gents.... But is true that waiting for your cue to be built by trevor is legendary? On average what's the waiting time and why does he take that long to build one?
    Players that owns a TW cue moast gave good feedbacks on the cue. The craftmanship and work is great. Cue making can take from 2weeks to few months. Depends on the work load of the cue maker and dryness of the wood etc etc. Normally good cue makers only manage to produce few cues in a months time.


    • #32
      Email to Mr.Trevor.......for me is not use!

      I have sent him a few messages/reminder , and I even left a personal message for him on the Forum, Trevor had replied none of them.
      I am only disappointed again and again!

      So please Mr. Trevor.... If you see this message, please post my old cue back to me!
      I am waiting my old cue from 12/2008 until now 9/2010

      Original Source:
      TSF -


      • #33
        [QUOTE=Tony Ng;523954]Email to Mr.Trevor.......for me is not use!

        I have sent him a few messages/reminder , and I even left a personal message for him on the Forum, Trevor had replied none of them.
        I am only disappointed again and again!

        So please Mr. Trevor.... If you see this message, please post my old cue back to me!
        I am waiting my old cue from 12/2008 until now 9/2010

        so are you saying Trevor's had your old cue for 2 years?

        or is your message lost in translation somewhere?

        must be some mistake surely, and why havnt you chased it up before now?


        • #34
          Originally Posted by the_paz View Post
          .... and why havnt you chased it up before now?
          If you read his post again you will find he has tried !
          Got to say Trevor's customer service has got to be the worst i have ever heard of in any form of business - absolutely shocking


          • #35
            yeah but he says a few messages.

            over 2 years?

            or have i missed something?


            • #36
              Originally Posted by sbq79 View Post
              Pardon my ignorance gents.... But is true that waiting for your cue to be built by trevor is legendary? On average what's the waiting time and why does he take that long to build one?
              its not how long it takes as such - think like this, if a mate asks you to help him carry a chest of drawers up a flight of stairs, thats fine, you say i will be round tomorrow and it takes you 30 minutes. if 10,000 people ask you to do it thats a problem!


              • #37

                I ask trevor for a cue (simple design with only a black ebonny butt and lots of dimension specifications), i received the cue 6 weeks after the paiement of the deposit.

                Trevor take a little time to answer email, but i he's a busy guy, and spend much time in his workshop than in his office behind a screen to answer email.

                Anyway my cue is perfect, all the specification i gave him has been done, and all with a best quality wood and best finish !

                Good work ask lot of time...

                Good Work Trev!


                • #38
                  It's not all doom and gloom with Trev then - someone's happy with his transaction.

                  What we have to remember is that Trev doesn't forget anyone on purpose, nor ignore anyone either, it's just that he has sooo much to do all day, every day!

                  P.S. Salut Jojopool, je suis très content de savoir qu'il y a encore un Frenchy sur TSF. Par votre surnom j'imagine que c'est une queue pour le 8pool que vous avez commandé de Trev - vous jouez ou? Dans une équipe ou en individuel? Quelle genre de queue avez-vous imaginé que Trev a réalisée? Je vous souhaite beaucoup de plaisir pendant de longues années avec votre nouvelle merveille!
                  Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

                  "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


                  • #39
                    For Keith in english !

                    the cue was a simple design 3/4 ebony butt and maple shaft, specification was that the cue is longer than cue we can find without custum cue order 59.5 inches, rounded butt (no flat part at the end of the butt), and specification about weigth 18 oz or 18.5 don't remmember...

                    the cue is for english pool...

                    Ps : je suis en bretagne, je joue en FFB sur la region et participe regulierement a des TN FFB..


                    • #40
                      Gents, I am not a liar. I am just a little customer from the far east. It's been nearly 2 years as I had mentioned in the previous post. He promised me before that he was going to post me back my cues but unti now still I received no news let alone my cues.

                      I know TW is a good cue maker and that's why I would like to have a cue from him. But I know many people who ordered his cue here in HK need to wait more than a year to get his cues. I appreciate his work very much that is why I bid his cue in e-bay.

                      This is the story. It's quite complicated but in general it involves 2 parts:

                      On December 29 2008, I bid a "Trevor's JP Mannock style cue" on ebay with quite a high price. At the same time I bought another "Old cue" from another seller David Ward from UK.

                      So I asked Trevor if it was ok to tell this 2nd seller to send this other cue to him, and he could send this old cue and the cue I bought from him together, so that I can save the mailing.

                      At this point, Trevor replied and said that he understood and it made sense. And he would gladly do it for me.

                      Then almost a months passed. Trevor's HK representative called me to pick up the JP Mannock style cue from him. I got really surprised and curious: why didn't Trevor send the cue to me myself ? The answer from the HK rep was that it was sent to him because of a mailing mistake Trevor made.

                      And since February 2009, I have heard absolutely NOTHING from Trevor. I have sent him a few messages/reminder about this matter, and I even left a personal message for him on the Forum, Trevor had replied none of them.

                      In the last email I sent him, I suggested him putting my old cue into the package he would send to his HK agent so that it would be easy for him. But he ignored this as well. Again, no reply.

                      I am very surprised and troubled by Trevor's case. So far we had exchanged emails and communicated rather clearly, and he had suggested what to do with the cues, I simply followed. Then suddenly the whole thing was shut as he didn't want to pay attention to me at all.

                      I don't know whether I have done something wrong (which I doubt), or if he is really so busy, or something had happened to him that he couldn't reply. I couldn't even find out. I am very troubled by this situation.

                      I didn't want to "chase" him on a daily basis because I don't want to annoy him too much, also my dealer said he might be able to get the cues from TW along with other lots of cues he sent. Even Trevor's Hong Kong dealer has not received any news from Trevor of when there has been 2 deliveries to Hong Kong.

                      I am here in Hong Kong and it's really too far to find out what had happened. And I surely hope everything is fine, and Trevor is only too busy. But if it's otherwise, I would like to find out why.

                      And until this moment, now Oct 2010, I still heard nothing from him.

                      Lately I have asked a friend in UK who also knows TW about the situation, and he told my friend that he forgot. But then nothing I heard from TW either!

                      I am on the verge of giving up. Honestly I don't want to talk about my story anymore until I saw so many people writing here asking TW about the cues. I can't help sharing my experience. That's all.


                      • #41
                        Did you find out if Trevor actually received the old cue from the other seller ???


                        • #42
                          Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                          Did you find out if Trevor actually received the old cue from the other seller ???
                          well i spoke to trevor this morning - have you tried to phone him?


                          • #43
                            Very bad press trevor why don't you give your side of the story?


                            • #44
                              Here is The email from Trevor, date Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 7:57 PM

                              The cue has arrived from the other seller you mentioned.

                              Was there anything needing doing with this cue, or is it just coming along to you with the one you have bought from me?

                              If so, that's fine and I can pack it up no problem.

                              I'll be getting your cues away to you early next week hopefully.




                              • #45
                                Sounds like "Trevor's HK representative" has stolen your cue then ???
                                Still doesnt explain why Trevor wont respond to your questions tho - and for everybodys information Trevor was reading this very thread last night and chose NOT to leave any sort of comment
                                What does that tell you about his customer service - absolutely shocking and i know its difficult for you being in a different country but i would be seeking legal advice.
                                If everything can be explained by Trevor then why hasnt he ????
                                Last edited by jrc750; 1 October 2010, 10:38 AM. Reason: Toned it down a notch

