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Top service from Craftsman cues in Leeds

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  • #31
    Must agree with what hotpot has to say on the subject, but also can understand the retailer not wanting to get himself into trouble with the customs people, because it would be an illegal act as far as they are concerned.

    We all like to try and get away with some things.


    • #32
      Yes i can understand craftsman for refusing , but for someone to be branded a fraudster for wanting to save a little hard earned and being ripped off is comical .

      What about mps claiming for bog roll , bog seats , etc . These are the people who are ripping the country off and having a good laugh at us whilst doing so .

      I,ve been stung whilst buying a cue from overseas by customs and inland revenue and i dont blame anyone who tries to avoid it .

      I like other workers pay my taxes and am quite happy to do so . I just dont like being ripped off .

