Right.........I have been using the cue that Trevor White made for Ricky Walden for the last few months. It is probably as perfect a cue as you could ever wish to own, lovely straight grain, perfect 'arrows' and looks and feels wonderful. I took it to Stu Green at Greenbaize and he fitted a black kamui 'mh' tip. I played a local snooker semi-final last month and although I didn't play stunning snooker I actually won. So, there I was, in a final again and confident that I had the best possible cue and was feeling good. On the night of the final we played on a club table with match balls that seemed to weigh a ton and try as hard as I could I had no 'feel' whatsoever. I couldn't seem to have any control over the balls at all........and in the end lost 3-1. I had my chances to win, indeed all the three frames that I lost went down to the pink or black but I then did what I always do and that is to doubt the cue.......so, I sold it!!
I then went on a weeks holiday with 'she who is always right' to Turkey and lay on a sun lounger for a week thinking about my next cue!! I had been following the cue that Ronnie O'Sullivan gave away at the Crucible on ebay and laughed when it started at £2,000,000 and then followed all the auctions until I saw that it hadn't sold so, when I got back home again I emailed the seller and began a couple of weeks of negotiations and then finally, yesterday, I drove a 'round trip' of 320 miles and came home with the actual cue and case that Ronnie O'Sullivan gave away at the Crucible in 2006. I met the 'boy' (he was 13 then but is now 18 and getting ready for university) and his mother, really nice people and spent a fascinating hour or so listening to their story of that night. He had never used the cue, not even once, but had always kept it safe in its case exactly as Ronnie had handed it to him. The cue is wonderful and a piece of history. Ronnie won 2 world titles with the cue and used it for 9 years.
Will I play better snooker with this cue? Probably not but would I want any other cue in the world and the answer is NO!! I have now, in my possession one of the most iconic cues in the world. The last time it was used was 5 years ago in the semi-final of the world championship and Ronnie knocked in a 140 break that year with this cue to win the high break prize. It looks and feels wonderful so I am the happiest snooker player in the world. No, I won't tell anyone how much I paid for it but I will take some nice photos and send them to Andrew Ramsay so that he can put them here on the forum for me. The case still has two blocks of chalk and all Ronnies 'tip care' products as well as a minibutt.
So, my search for a cue is definitely over!! I now have the original antique cue that I used back in the 1970s and early 80s as well as this cue so for a certainty will not be buying any more cues. I am 60 next year and in the local snooker league I only win my frames by playing slow boring snooker rather than the exciting 'pot everything' sort of stuff that I tried to play many years ago so I know that no matter what cue I buy it will never be better than the actual playing cue that Ronnie used which I now own.
Good luck to all of you who are still searching for your 'perfect cue' I now have mine
Oldgit :snooker:

I then went on a weeks holiday with 'she who is always right' to Turkey and lay on a sun lounger for a week thinking about my next cue!! I had been following the cue that Ronnie O'Sullivan gave away at the Crucible on ebay and laughed when it started at £2,000,000 and then followed all the auctions until I saw that it hadn't sold so, when I got back home again I emailed the seller and began a couple of weeks of negotiations and then finally, yesterday, I drove a 'round trip' of 320 miles and came home with the actual cue and case that Ronnie O'Sullivan gave away at the Crucible in 2006. I met the 'boy' (he was 13 then but is now 18 and getting ready for university) and his mother, really nice people and spent a fascinating hour or so listening to their story of that night. He had never used the cue, not even once, but had always kept it safe in its case exactly as Ronnie had handed it to him. The cue is wonderful and a piece of history. Ronnie won 2 world titles with the cue and used it for 9 years.
Will I play better snooker with this cue? Probably not but would I want any other cue in the world and the answer is NO!! I have now, in my possession one of the most iconic cues in the world. The last time it was used was 5 years ago in the semi-final of the world championship and Ronnie knocked in a 140 break that year with this cue to win the high break prize. It looks and feels wonderful so I am the happiest snooker player in the world. No, I won't tell anyone how much I paid for it but I will take some nice photos and send them to Andrew Ramsay so that he can put them here on the forum for me. The case still has two blocks of chalk and all Ronnies 'tip care' products as well as a minibutt.
So, my search for a cue is definitely over!! I now have the original antique cue that I used back in the 1970s and early 80s as well as this cue so for a certainty will not be buying any more cues. I am 60 next year and in the local snooker league I only win my frames by playing slow boring snooker rather than the exciting 'pot everything' sort of stuff that I tried to play many years ago so I know that no matter what cue I buy it will never be better than the actual playing cue that Ronnie used which I now own.
Good luck to all of you who are still searching for your 'perfect cue' I now have mine

Oldgit :snooker: