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Beware of hobbiest cue makers

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  • #61
    Originally Posted by Brianwalter View Post
    Like i say i dnt care wat people think i no the truth and like you said a strait edge just guide but the cue fyn it was the last four inches was kinked 5mm thats alot in 4 inches
    I'll translate.

    Like i say i dnt care wat people think

    I profess to being singularly unconcerned relative to the thoughts and opinions of other personages.

    i no the truth and like you said a strait edge just guide but the cue fyn it was the last four inches was kinked 5mm thats alot in 4 inches

    I am certain of the veracity of my statement and as you have previously posited, a straight edge is merely only a guide, a gauge if you will to determine if the cue is a reasonable exemplar. But I have determined that the cue possesses a curvature near the tip of the shaft which originates 4 inches from the end and demonstrable deflects by 1/16th of a inch at it's extremity.


    • #62
      Thank you kindly haha and if there was nothing wrong with cue why would jim offer to fix it?


      • #63
        Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
        I saw and played with this reject cue on Saturday, it's perfectly straight (who the chuff plays with a straight edge on the cue??). If those splices are an "inch" out, lets just say I pity your other half..
        i was thinking an inch out does not sound like the cues i have seen.


        • #64
          Originally Posted by Brianwalter View Post
          Thank you kindly haha and if there was nothing wrong with cue why would jim offer to fix it?
          To be fair. It seems to me that Jim is very customer focused and trying to help a customer out.
          On the other hand. As part of the distant selling regulations. You have the right to change your mind and return the cue for a full refund within a reasonable time frame anyway.

          Did you manage to take any pics of the cue. I would love to see it.


          • #65
            I wish i did take photos now! And an inch where the tullip was at its thinest each off the four points were diffrent lengthS


            • #66
              I have a old red glue John parris which has the splices 15mm in difference.

              Being young is no excuse for not using the queens English either!


              • #67
                Pics of this alleged abomination of a cue?


                • #68
                  It's easy enough to find a picture of this cue (if you think about it), but it doesn't really show you anything apart from looking like a nice cue. Difficult to judge splice points and straightness etc from it


                  • #69
                    sorry guys its bin a lung nit an i jus cum bak from da snooker. wot the f***s a fud n a fyn?????
                    "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford


                    • #70
                      can someone translate this thread for me?


                      • #71
                        what a strange thread, it started off with the Op having every right to moan about a cue he was not happy with wether he should of done it through pm messages or not and suddenly the person in questions pals decided amongst themselves that the op had no right to moan about a cue off one of their friends and decided to turn into the grammar police and become abusive between them.


                        • #72
                          This was not my intention i was just annoyed at how i was treated by jim and by the poor quality of his work for the money i paid dont get me wrong i wasnt expecting perfection but it wasnt even close!


                          • #73
                            well this is a crazy thread with some good one liners in it, but for me " there's too much broadcasting and not enough tuning in " on the forum these days..........if Jim can do cues that double up as bow and arrows that's a unique selling point he should be charging more.. i can see it now " The Robin Hood Range ".......;-)
                            Last edited by CueAntW147; 29 March 2014, 09:29 AM.


                            • #74
                              by the way, not a single word how it plays! says it all really.


                              • #75
                                Tried to play with it but the bend at end off cue kept catching my eye very off putting

