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Particular type of shot

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  • Thanks for those responses people. More practise it is then. Compensation never felt right anyway


    • Okay, this thread seems fine for my post.

      This is one shot I just can't get right, and it is used a lot in the variation of snooker we play at the local joint (You have to pot 1 red and then as many colors as possible - it has other interesting rules so if anyone is interested they can ask me ).

      The yellow is on its spot and the cue ball is behind it straight in line with the center pocket, now I can't for the life of me pot the yellow in the center. I always hit either the left or the right jaw.


      • Just to clarify, the cue ball would be in line with the right center pocket.


        • if the cue ball and yellow were on the straight line.. you shouldn't have any prob with it.. unless your cueing isn't straight ot you apply to much power to it..


          • I do have a problem with my cuing. I've recently noticed that it is not straight and I have to make an effort to bring it straight everytime, will it become natural if I keep on putting that effort in every shot I play ? Or is it something you either have or don't ?




              you can try this two to help you check your cueing :snooker:



              • I would practise this by shooting the white straight into the pocket. When you can do this every time re introduce the yellow but play for the white to pocket still, look straight through it as though it wasn't there. If you're cueing and aiming straight and it doesn't pot the pot is at an angle. Don't try and punch it in either, no more than medium pace.
                Last edited by Jools; 26 November 2010, 02:01 PM.


                • @Freddie : Thanks a lot for the videos mate. The second one looks like a brilliant exercise and I'm gonna do it daily.

                  @Jools : Thats very good advice, I'm definitely gonna practice it that way. In a bad mood today, had a bad frame (decider) and couldn't get a decent break but I did accumulate 24 points before there were only colors on the table, and had to play a safety on the yellow as I didn't get a good position on it. My opponent fluked the yellow with perfect position on the green and all the other balls on their spot.


                  • Originally Posted by vendetta_revived View Post
                    @Freddie : Thanks a lot for the videos mate. The second one looks like a brilliant exercise and I'm gonna do it daily.
                    You've got a table to yourself ??


                    • I so wish that was true ! The local joint is a minute away from my home and one of the table stays mostly empty so I practice there, have to play the table money though.


                      • Originally Posted by vendetta_revived View Post
                        I so wish that was true ! The local joint is a minute away from my home and one of the table stays mostly empty so I practice there, have to play the table money though.
                        Oh, that's great.. practise more and let us know how it goes. Don't be shy to ask question.. there are many good coach here to help you out


                        • Great thread !

                          how's this one

                          object ball is inch or two from the rail and quite up the rail away from the pocket and cue ball is just about straight behind it and you need to hit it fairly hard cos you need to screw back a fair distance. I've done some testing with this shot just potting the object ball seeing how hard it is possible to hit it without it jawing out. You got to be millimeter perfect for it to go in at speed
                          Last edited by peterpackage; 28 November 2010, 10:21 AM.


                          • The pack off the break


                            • Originally Posted by peterpackage View Post
                              Great thread !

                              how's this one

                              object ball is inch or two from the rail and quite up the rail away from the pocket and cue ball is just about straight behind it and you need to hit it fairly hard cos you need to screw back a fair distance. I've done some testing with this shot just potting the object ball seeing how hard it is possible to hit it without it jawing out. You got to be millimeter perfect for it to go in at speed
                              Of course you have to be millimeter perfect at that shot, when at that much angle you have to hit it at a pace at which the pocket has the best chance of accepting the ball. At any more pace, its a really big risk.


                              • cushion shots.

                                I always find shots that are right on the cushions hard, i often miss cue, can you give me a tip on omprovment for this kind of shots.

