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Splices not too far out !

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by jb134 View Post
    It wasn't at all. It might be how you choose to interpret it. For example someone who orders a custom cue, whilst not trying it is not just "buying what their eye likes" are they? No.

    Also who orders a custom cue and specifies even splices? Not, I'll wager, a high % of customers.
    I think you thought you said something else .... you didn't
    And that has got to be one of the most ridiculous things anyone has said for a while on here lol


    • #32
      Originally Posted by jb134 View Post
      My point being, even splicing will not enhance your level of play on the table.
      Your absolutely correct 100 per cent but should still be a tip top looking cue for the money your spending. It might not matter to some but it does to others.


      • #33
        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
        I think you thought you said something else .... you didn't
        And that has got to be one of the most ridiculous things anyone has said for a while on here lol
        I know what I said. You misread it, intentionally or otherwise. I suppose we'd need to ask the cue makers. On their websites I can see boxes to tick for weight, length, timbers selected, tip size etc etc but nowhere is anyone given the choice about accuracy of splicing. I know you're a great enthusiast and your knowledge is extensive but these are basic facts I am stating and you are choosing to argue.

        That's up to you.


        • #34
          If your ordering a custom cue costing several hundreds of pounds i think even splices should be a given not an option lol


          • #35
            Originally Posted by jb134 View Post
            I know what I said. You misread it, intentionally or otherwise. I suppose we'd need to ask the cue makers. On their websites I can see boxes to tick for weight, length, timbers selected, tip size etc etc but nowhere is anyone given the choice about accuracy of splicing. I know you're a great enthusiast and your knowledge is extensive but these are basic facts I am stating and you are choosing to argue.

            That's up to you.
            No JB i'm not choosing to argue, just trying to put you right that's all
            If you are paying a premium price for a cue then even splices should be forthcoming as standard, you shouldn't have to request them lol


            • #36
              I could imagine a box to tick for even splicing, you tick it, and the price jumps two hundred quid!!
              This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


              • #37
                Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                No JB i'm not choosing to argue, just trying to put you right that's all
                If you are paying a premium price for a cue then even splices should be forthcoming as standard, you shouldn't have to request them lol
                For the sake of the hard of thinking, I'll repeat myself. Why should even splicing be at a premium rather than standard?


                • #38
                  Originally Posted by jb134 View Post
                  For the sake of the hard of thinking, I'll repeat myself. Why should even splicing be at a premium rather than standard?
                  Ask John Parris not me, he is the one's who charge a vast premium for his so called "Ultimate" cues but then delivers a sub standard cue


                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                    Ask John Parris not me, he is the one's who charge a vast premium for his so called "Ultimate" cues but then delivers a sub standard cue
                    I was always under the impression, possibly erroneously, that the premium was for the shaft.


                    • #40
                      Originally Posted by Andrew watt View Post
                      Your absolutely correct 100 per cent but should still be a tip top looking cue for the money your spending. It might not matter to some but it does to others.
                      you're right, as JB134 mentioned it ,,the premium price you pay, is for the quality of the shaft.
                      but that is not the only thing you pay for,
                      You pay also for the craftsmanshap. That's nice handmade tmbr (shaft and the butt), equality of splts
                      Balance / and .......
                      imagine, you have two cues. they are both great and super ball players. One of them costs 200 pounds. Other one (JPU) costs 900 pounds. Why would you buy the JPU?
                      The only reason is the difference in craftsmanshap. and as you said : it does matter to some players !!!
                      Of course, there are also people h waiting for a JPU,, so they can sell it
                      for profit...which makes in this case ( the craftsmanshap ) also important !!!!! IMO.


                      • #41
                        JPU !!!!!! Unless..... free.
                        Last edited by kadobau; 11 August 2014, 02:55 AM.


                        • #42
                          A splice is never visually in your line of shot though so I'd always favour a cue with a really good grain pattern rather than an unsightly looking cue with nice even splice points. For me you know that you are paying for the shaft on a JPU, it always has been and always will be the most important selection criteria for any player.

                          Every few weeks we seem to dig up this old discussion about splices and to be honest its only the real cue snobs that are so anal about this and is usually just a way to have yet another JP bashing. We should also remember that this cue is supposedly a very early JP cue so why are people getting so upset and making a song and dance about a cue I'll never know, GET A LIFE!


                          • #43
                            Cueman, here's a question for you. Should be in the coaching section but never mind. It's fairly obvious that the splices are not in your line of sight but surely the grain or chevrons arn't in your line of sight either? Reading other threads your eyes should be flicking between the cue ball and the object well as the pocket I suppose.


                            • #44
                              When you are first cueing up to a ball and especially shots with the rest the grain is very much in your line of sight, regardless of how much you are focussing on the cueball and object ball you will always be aware of the grain, particularly the last 8 inches of the cue anyway.


                              • #45
                                Originally Posted by cueman View Post
                                A splice is never visually in your line of shot though so I'd always favour a cue with a really good grain pattern rather than an unsightly looking cue with nice even splice points. For me you know that you are paying for the shaft on a JPU, it always has been and always will be the most important selection criteria for any player.

                                Every few weeks we seem to dig up this old discussion about splices and to be honest its only the real cue snobs that are so anal about this and is usually just a way to have yet another JP bashing. We should also remember that this cue is supposedly a very early JP cue so why are people getting so upset and making a song and dance about a cue I'll never know, GET A LIFE!
                                I thought you had to pay a premium price because they used their knowledge of wood to make you a top player and it was this and the time it takes(rest times between shaping)plus their skill as a woodworker to make beautiful looking , perfectly balanced cues ,all this combined is where they money goes, if you are paying a grand for a pretty looking shaft, and stuff the rest, you are getting conned IMO .
                                This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!

